Episode 24 - Fall

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The second garden was built and managed by the 4th Empress of the Cruz Empire And continued so forth by the succeeding Imperial Ladies who took the throne.  It was built as a symbol of independence from the Emperor and the Empress’ right to rule with her own hands.

It was a symbol of unity and matrimony for both the Emperor and Empress, as the Emperor held less power within the gardens of the palace compared to the Empress.

It was a symbol of trust between the two Imperial Rulers, as a way to prove that the Emperor did not control the Empress in any sort of way.

This was the origin of the second garden. A sign of independence of a wife from her husband, and a sign of her own power and authority.

If the First Garden was merely a gift from the Emperor, the Second Garden was carved by the Empress of the time herself.

So it was unfortunate to see it getting decimated as two beings with powerful magic fought within its grasslands and flower beds.

Crack! Smash! Boom!

Pots of plants shatter, trees snap in two, and mounds of well patched dirt launched into the air.

“Quite fast aren't you?” Maddison, still in her disguise, smiled as invisible forces surrounded her, blocking all the strikes coming from left to right.

“You seem to think yourself invincible.” A voice spoke somewhere in the garden, wherever it came from wasn't clear.

“There.” Maddison quickly glanced near a rose flower bed and, after a short second, the spot she glanced at exploded in a spectacular fashion.

“Wrong.” A chuckle echoed through the second garden.

“Excellent.” Maddison’s smile was growing as she glared all around her. “It would be unfortunate if you die so easily.”

“I can't believe you let the Emperor and Empress escape with that Lady while you're left here fighting me.” The voice seemed bemused. “Do you really think that little girl can protect them?”

“I wouldn't judge her too hastily.” Maddison shrugged as spots next to her exploded, burst, and detonated like dynamite. “People often lose to weaker opponents that way.”

“Fair enough.” The voice agreed. “Though, it seems you also underestimate me.”

“I wouldn't think so.” Maddison shook her head. “I think you're quite perfectly estimated.” Suddenly, a large circular area around her was swept clean by an unknown force, turning the grass and whatever lay on top of it, into crumbled stone, and ugly patches of dirt.

“Well…that could’ve been bad.” The voice smugly spoke somewhere far from the radius of what Maddison had just done.

“Very nimble.” The Witch’s eyes twitched. “You’re starting to become irritating.”

“Haha…I’ve often been told that by my enemies.” The voice laughed. “Too bad they don't get to tell others about my charmingly unbearable personality.”

“Ha! I would agree with you on that.” Maddison grinned. “You are certainly unbearable.” A wave of wind blasted through the second garden snapping anything above shoulder height in half, like some sort of whip struck it with devastating speed.

A whistle blew from a corner. “You are strong.”

Maddison grit her teeth. “Tsk.”

“I guess even the leader of the Underworld can be quite hot headed.” The voice chuckled, revealing his knowledge.

“Trust me…I am not angry yet.” Maddison glared at where she thought the voice came from. She didn't seem to care that her identity was revealed. She was going to kill him anyway.

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