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"Man, it's crazy," you thought, swirling your finger absent mindedly in your drink. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, dad goes and gets this big promotion. Now we're packing up and leaving the state. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great for him and all, but it's like my whole world is being uprooted. Starting over in a new town? It's like being the new kid all over again, you know?" you sighed, your shoulders slumping as you talk to your best friend, Alexavia, on the phone.

As you hung up the phone with Alexavia, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in your stomach. With a heavy heart, you pushed aside your thoughts and focused on the task at hand: packing. Cardboard boxes littered the living room. You moved, folding clothes and gathering belongings, but your mind wandered, replaying memories of happier times. 

As you packed your room, you stumbled upon your old bass guitar, tucked away in the corner. Running your fingers over the strings, you felt a spark of familiarity, a connection to something stable amidst the chaos. Music has always been your refuge,  language that goes beyond barriers and spoke directly to your soul.

Lost in the melody of your thoughts, you didn't notice the time slipping away until your dad's voice interrupted your thoughts. "Y/n, we need to finish packing. The movers will be here soon!"

Nodding absent mindedly, you unwillingly set aside your bass and returned to the task at hand. But as you sealed the final box and checked the empty room, a sense of loss washed over you. This house held so many memories, so much of who you were. Leaving it behind felt like leaving a part of yourself behind as well.

As the moving truck pulled away, you watched the familiar landmarks blur into the distance, an ache settling in your chest. The road ahead stretched out so long.

A couple of days passed in a blur of unpacking and adjusting to your new town, new state. The town was smaller than your previous town, with quaint streets lined with shops and cozy cafes. Despite its charm, it still felt foreign, like stepping into someone else's story, you know?

Your parents nudged you to get ready for school after a few days of trying to find the right fit. You felt an urge of resistance, having only ever experienced one school environment before. However, your mother's tone was both firm and understanding as she said, "Y/n, it's time to pack your backpack and prepare. You can't hide at home forever. Tomorrow, it's back to school."

The next morning, your alarm rang, jerking you awake. Bleary eyed, you searched for your bag, only to realise you hadn't packed it the night before. Rushing, you threw your stuff inside, barely managing to tame your messy hair or slip on your shoes properly. With a hurried pace, you dashed towards the bus stop, crossing your fingers in hopes of catching the bus on time.

"This is pathetic," you muttered into the phone, frustrated as you spoke to Alexavia. "I nearly missed the bus, and there's no one around to keep me company except you... but you're on the other end of the phone, so it's not quite the same."

"Alright, I'm offended now," Alexavia said jokingly, her voice carrying through the phone, and you both started laughing, the tension of the bad morning start momentarily forgotten.

As the bus pulled up to the school, you found yourself surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Laughter filled the air as students chatted and hung out, high-fiving and sharing earphones to listen to music together. Watching them, you couldn't help but wish for someone to share those simple moments with. Alexavia would have been the perfect person for this, but she was miles away, just a voice on the other end of the phone. I really miss her, you thought wistfully, the ache of loneliness settling in your heart.

You walked through the corridors, your footsteps echoing softly against the tiled floor. 

"You're the new student?"

Startled, you turned to see a friendly face looking back at you. "Yeah, that's me. I'm new," you replied.

"Hey, I'm Nethan, and I'm one of your classmates!" he said with a friendly smile, extending a hand towards you. "My teacher asked me to find you and show you the way to our class."

"Oh, yeah. Thank you," you replied gratefully, feeling a sense of gratitude for his kindness. 

The big size of the classroom caught you off guard. The teacher simply instructed you to find a seat for attendance without asking for introductions, which was fine by you. You chose a spot in the corner of the classroom, you settled in and found yourself gazing out of the window, lost in thought.

After three tiring and boring hours of maths, physics and literature the bell signalled the start of the first break. Starving yourself, you decided to explore the school. Climbing to the second floor, you found yourself alone in the empty hallways. Venturing into the science labs, you found yourself gazing into the array of equipment and experiments, finding the place really interesting.

Going down the stairs after hearing a teacher's voice, you were curious by the sight of a large, striking red door. Eagerly, you entered inside, greeted by a vast room with a stage. As you explored further, the room seemed to expand, revealing a room full of musical instruments. Among them, your eyes fell upon a bass guitar. Memories rushed back as you reached for it, fingers itching to play once more. Plugging it in, you lost yourself in the nostalgic melody, each note carrying you back to the moments of the past.

A/N ; First chapter, my people!! I'm not quite sure what else to include rn, so that's all I've got for today loll. I promise I'll make an effort to finish this book!! Thanks for all the support!! <33

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