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We walked into the club where the music was blaring and the lights were flashing, "Cadee, it's amazing here. Why have we never come here? Other than because you're a pussy," River shouts over the music.

"Actually, it's because no one has wanted to come with me until now and none of you thought I really wanted to come here to meet someone after Annabeth," I sneered back while walking towards the bar. "Anyway, I don't want to think about her. I'm here to get laid and never see the person again"

"Yeah sure bro that's totally the only reason definitely not because you're lonely as fuck and you need a girlfriend," River snarks "also what do you want ill order since I know you don't like talking to servers." while they speak their head bobs to the music playing in the background making their red hair bounce along.

"Just a tequila sunrise, please, and thank you," I responded. I sit at the bar and look out at a sea of people with none of them standing out to me and sighed,"ugh no one is standing out"

"Give it a minute, someone will stand out, I'm sure of it," River continued,"wait what about her over there? Talking to that other woman, they don't seem interested in each other."

"Oh wow, she's hot, but she seems kinda scary don't you think?" I look back at River in question.

"Just walk over there and see what she says," River deadpans waving their hand towards the people in the booth. "If you dont I will that other girl looks hot as hell, "River adds suddenly.

"Fine I'll go over there, but if this fails you owe me a stuffed animal and another sunrise," I remark.

I end up shoving a bunch of people on my way over to her and once I'm there; I realize she's even more beautiful in person. Her green eyes scan my body and I realize I've been staring too long,"Hi, I'm Cadee" I stop and cover my face in embarrassment "sorry I had nothing else planned out to talk to you and now I'm rambling sorry"

"Darling it's quite alright"she stands up then she's suddenly taller than me in her heels "did you need something?"

"Um no I just- my friend said I should talk to someone, and you seemed like the best candidate,"I take a sip of my drink as I speak.

" I think we could do a bit more than talk darling~" she tips my head up as she speaks with her index finger.

Wow, that's hot. I think as I struggle to form a sentence "Really Breah? Right in front of me and my pizza? She probably doesn't even want to do anything with you," the other woman sitting in the booth says.

"But Macy she's sexy, and it sure looks like she wants more" the woman in heels, Breah; what a beautiful name for a beautiful person, responds back to Macy.

"Yes, wait only if you want to. I mean i don't want to be too pushy, Im sor-" and suddenly her lips are on mine and i'm melting into the kiss. Fuck, her lips are soft. I grab her hips as she cups my face with both hands and my legs immediately turn to jelly.

She pulls away, too soon, and asks," would you like more darling?"

"Yes ma'am" I manage to stammer out, god i'm an idiot i shouldn't have said that, she doesn't seem to mind as she grabs my hand and starts walking towards the entrance. I see River give me a wink as we walk through the crowd I originally came from. They stand up and I lose sight of them in the crowd.

"Are you ok? You seem a little tense,"Breah asks as we stop at the entrance for a moment.

"What- oh yeah, I am, this is just a little out of my comfort zone," the words tumble out of my mouth quickly, my anxiety slightly spiking the more I fail at speaking.

"I was making sure you weren't backing out, which is completely respectable ,but I would love to absolutely devour you darling," she gives me a quick kiss as she speaks, making my anxiety dissipate.

Why does she make me feel so safe?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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