chapter one

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the first and ORIGINAL max x caseoh story.

Max was looksmaxxing at furrycon casually and his mewing was so good everyone ran up to him and started taking pictures and he got stressed so he ran into the sigma male bathroom to panic attack and he started crying (but he did not stop mewing, mewing streak goes forever 💯) and then he started to smell something funky... he looked over at the 3rd stall, seeing a big pair of legs, he then started to hear screaming... the earth began to shake... he stopped his mewing streak in horror. is that who he thought it was? his streaming competition.

"Caseoh... Is... Is that you?" He said, his jawline very sharp from mewing for the past 36 years.

The grunting stopped. The earth stopped shaking. The man in the stall just gasped.

"Max... Max gilaredi from hotdiggedyhotdog?" The shock in his voice was nearly terrifying.

"Caseoh... What... What're you doing?" Max asked.

"I'm... Defeating the final boss, I should say." Caseoh replied.

"Y'know... I.. I stopped my 36 year mewing streak for this."

"Max... That's a lot... Just for little ol me..." Said Caseoh. He wasn't little but let him believe what he'd like to

"We've been competition to each other for a long time... I... But I've never told you something... I need to tell you it now."

"Well, what is it...?" Replied Caseoh.

"You should come out of that stall, and I'll tell you..."

Then a loud thump was heard, the stall door creaked open... Caseoh thumped his way towards Max, guilt in his eyes for the things he's said about him on streams. He knew whatever was coming next wasn't gonna be good, atleast he thought...

"I... I've liked you since your first video. Your NBA 2k23 video. I... I just developed a massive crush on you since. I've never thought I'd fall so deep in love with anyone, until I saw you. I... I love you. I LOVE YOU, CASEOH!" Max poured out his feelings to him, Caseoh just stood there, shocked. He began to tear up.

"Do you really mean it? Look at me. I'm unlovable." Caseoh started crying uncontrollably. Max just stared at him.

"How could you say that about yourself!? You're the best man I've ever met. How could you think of yourself so poorly?! You've changed my life. How could you think I'm joking?! I LOVE YOU!" Max screamed, he was now on his knees, crying rivers.

"I... I love you too, Max." Caseoh said, a long silence was between them.

"But, I simply can't love you. I do love you. But I cannot. It's... It's forbidden..."

"Why?! I stopped my mewing streak for this!" Max cried out.

"I... I was the enemy." He says.

"You aren't now. The past is the past." Says Max.

"You know... I never stopped being the villian. The enemy. I... This was a ruse." Caseoh chuckles evily.

"Wh-what?" Max says as he sees Caseoh pull out a knife.

"Please, let's talk this out!" Max cries out to him.

"Goodbye, competition." Caseoh began to approach Max, loud thuds as he does so.

Max shut his eyes, waiting for it to be over.

"WAIT!" A voice calls out... It was Goofball.

"G-goofball?" Max says.

Goofball then eyed down Caseoh, performing a makeshift ritual to get the Ice King (from Adventure Time) demon out of Caseoh. Caseoh groaned as he faltered to his knees, the stall doors shaking once his knees reach the ground.

"What... What am I...?" Caseoh was almost lead to insanity. It was all so confusing to him.

"I'm... I'm a monster. What I've done and said... I... I'm... I'm a horrible person." Caseoh's hands trembled as he looked down at them, eyes wide.

"No, Caseoh... Don't say that about yourself." Max stood up, staring at him. The air felt heavy and scary.

"Why would you ever think of me as good."

Max didn't know how to reply. Caseoh used to bully him in highschool and he still did, ever since Case started streaming.

Max just instead walked up to him, and lifted his chin, giving him a long passionate kiss on the lips. Caseoh reciprocated the kiss. It lasted 3 minutes. They both found it hard to pull away...

um anyways to much effort eugh writing

bye guys imagine the rest if u wanna

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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