Chapter 1

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Fundy got a knock on his door and was confused as to who was at his door and was surprised by a police officer.

"May I help you?" "Are you Fundy Le'Crowe?" "Yes?" "I'm sorry to inform you of this due to surton sercosams we need you to take your younger sister in." Fundy was confused as to what this police officer was saying. The last time he had talked to his dad was his high school graduation.

"Can't my grandpa take her in?" "He's not a valuable and we want her to go to family." "Let me think this over." The police officer nodded and then left.

Fundy was confused as to do because he really hated his father but he didn't want his sister to grow up in foster care.

Just then his phone started to ring he looked down and smiled

"Hey 5up and I glad you called"
"Hey Fundy you good"

Fundy sighed and then told 5up what happened

"So you have a sister, apparently"
"Yes and I don't know what I'm supposed to do I don't want her to feel like I don't love her I got that enough when I was growing up"
"Then why don't you take her in"
"Are you sure"
"Come on Fundy you have a big house and Hey maybe it could be practice for when we have kids"

Fundy just laughed and rolled his eyes

"I got to go so I can call them"
"OK I'll talk to you later and I'll try to be home by eight."
"5up when we started dating I knew dating a doctor would be hard because you are always busy"

Fundy hang up his phone and then called the number the police officer gave him

"Hi my name is Fundy Le'Crowe and somebody said that I have a sister in your sistom."
"What's the girls name?"
"I don't know but we have the same father W Le'Crowe"
Fundy heard typing on the other end and then the voice come back

"Yes she is in our care is there anything that you want us to do?"
"I want to take her in give her the life I wished I had."

"OK we can do a home check tomorrow at noon"

Fundy had to think about his schedule and 5ups schedule.

"Noon sounds good"
"Alright see you then"

Three weeks later

Fundy was pacing in his living room waiting for Tallulah and her social worker to arrive.

Just then there was a knock on the door

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