Worst Birthday Party Ever

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"Come on girls, let go," Abby yelled

We all got into our line, Cameron joining us as well.

"I wouldn't say it was a brilliant weekend, but it was successful. We set out to beat Cathy, the Wicked Witch of the West. And that's what we did. We beat her hands down in every single category. You know he apple tree down." Abby said

I smiled awkwardly. It was bittersweet since what Kelly said to me.

"With that said, I want to get through the pyramid quickly because we have tons of work to do. On the bottom of the pyramid, Paige. You beat Kendall. I'm thrilled with that. You made the top 10. But you need to do the choreography you were taught. You got that, Kelly? Moving on, Mackenzie. You've greatly improved. But are you up to Cassandra's level, who's a year younger than you? If you're going to be in the dance and you're going to know the choreography, you have to pull your weight. Understood? Next, Brooke, you are off probation." Abby said

We all gathered around Brooke to hug her.


Brooke interview:

"I'm happy I'm off probation because being on Abby's bad side is not a good thing."


"Next, I have Claire. It would help if you were great. I felt like in the group dance, you looked like one of the older girls. But I feel you holding back."Abby said

I smiled and nodded as I took in the corrections and critiques Abby was giving me.

"Movin' up the ladder, Nia. You have matured. Less than six months ago you were sitting on your dad's lap in a dressing room bawling your eyeballs out. I don't ever want to see that again. That little kid is gone." Abby said to Nia


Holly interview:

"Nia is growing up. She's maturing. And I have said that when it begins to click for Nia, you better watch out."


"Moving on, Cameron. I loved the duet. It was great. But Cameron, it would help if you worked on the face. You barely had emotion, Maddie out-sold you. And work on the muscles. Next, Maddie. You had a big victory last week. All you had to worry about was the group dance and the duet. You were excellent in both. You were right on time with the music and I'm proud of you for that. Next is Chloe. Chloe, you won the costume award for the entire competition. And you made the top 10. Congratulations. I am very proud of you. I think you could have had a lot more confidence when you started the dance. But when you finished, you certainly made up for it. And on top of the pyramid is my little ballerina, Cassandra!" Abby announced

We all clapped Cassandra, and some girls went to hug her.

"Cassandra you are improving leaps and bounds every time you step on that stage. And you are currently undefeated. You are so good in ballet, that you need to stop with the sour attitude towards it. And start loving it." Abby told her

She nodded her head.


Sabrina's interview:

"I am so proud of Cassandra. I hope this win shows her she is a good ballerina so she wants to dance like that more often. I love her sassy numbers, but I prefer seeing her in a little tutu, and hopefully some pointe shoes."


"Moving on, we will be attending the Starbound Talent Competition in Atlanta, Georgia this week. We're going to go to sunny skies and hot weather. Mom's, I might even sit on the veranda and have a mint julep with you." Abby said

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