Chapter 1

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I waited for Oz outside of their house. Vic's voice was heard throughout the neighborhood as she talked about her schedule. She has math, then science, then history, then gym, then we eat lunch (which is when she usually tutors), then drama, then English, then zombish, then art. Then she gets into all of the extracurricular activities she's in and I groaned loudly to make her stop.

She sent a confused look at me as I looked down at her and Amira, who had her headphones in and wasn't listening to her. "Are you complaining about your schedule again?" I asked.

"It's not complaining," She argued, "I'm expressing how busy I am."

"If you're so upset by it, then drop a few clubs or something," I said.

She gasped as if I offended her. "I can't just drop them! I made a commitment and I plan to stick to that." She fixed her shirt and muttered, "Like you would know anything about that."

"Fuck you," I snarled, "Just because I'm not in any clubs or extra classes doesn't mean I'm not committed to anything."

"You don't even show up to all of your classes and sleep whenever you do!" She said.

I rolled my eyes, wanting the conversation to end. "Where the fuck is Oz?" I shouted as I looked at his house.

I guess my shouting caught Amira's attention as she said, "I'll text them real fast."

"Well don't they have to get their sister onto the bus in the morning," Vic said.

"They said their parents were home this week though," I said, "Shouldn't they be doing that?" The two shrugged as I looked down the street for the bus. To my luck, it just turned onto the road. I heard Oz's door open and saw them and their little sister hurrying out.

"Hi!" she sang to us as she waved with her lunchbox flying in her hand and Oz trying to zip her jacket up at the same time. She had her usual pink dress and bow in her hair.

"Hi Nitya!" We all called and smiled at her. She was very sweet and I didn't mind always sending her off onto the bus, I just want to get today over with. However, seeing how happy Nitya gets when she sees us makes me feel a lot better than I expected.

Oz finally got her coat zipped and walked to us. "I'm sorry," They apologized, "My parents slept in when they were supposed to help her get ready today."

"You're fine," Vic said, "Brian's just in one of his moods."

"You put me there," I glared at her and she rolled her eyes. Me and Vic don't see eye-to-eye, but we are good friends. I guess I was in one of my moods but I genuinely don't understand why she complains about how busy she is when she's the one who can change her schedule.

Amira rolled her eyes and went back to her phone while Oz just sighed and focused on getting their sister onto the bus. Oz held her in front of them and we got behind them as the bus pulled up. The doors opened to the chipper gargoyle that we usually see and we smiled as Oz helped Nitya up the steps. "Good morning Ms. Diane!" the five of us say at the same time. She just smiles and says, "You all are just too kind! I hope you four have a good day. I heard that that principal is getting worse and worse!"

"Well she's certainly not getting any better," I commented and she laughed whole-heartedly.

"I'll see you later kids," She smiled as she waved and closed the door, hurrying off to the next house. We waved the bus off and finally started to walk to school.

"Oz," Vic went up to them, "Did you understand question seven on the math homework?"

"No," they said shyly, "I was going to ask if you did."

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