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So Yui had logged in alone and would be one of the lost kids that Sasha would pick up and bring to the orphanage but in their Sasha would notice Yui intellgets and how Yui would comfort the kids around her and Give hope to them she always had a smile and help Sasha with Task and look around looking for other kids who had been lost In the Town of Beginnings. But as she wandered around she occasionally heard from other players. Even with deaths of players there were still frontlines and Players still fighting to beat the game to free them.

This would light a fire on young Yui who now wanted to fight in the frontlines too. To help beat the game but she knew with her level and no prior experience in a mmo she wouldn't stand a chance. But with that passion,  she now  asked around the town the players that were still there anything they could tell her or teach her about the game but she was met with mostly laughter, or told that she was too young to risk her life and to let higher players handle it.

But one day she came across a player who handed her an old guidebook for players that they had in their inventory. Yui felt excited to finally get to start somewhere and would read the book in the orphanage when ever she could  but even with the book telling her about sword skill and mobs spawn and dungeons she still lacked experience  on handling a weapon and how to perform the skills so  she made her next goals to obtain a weapon

So Yui used the col she had to buy a Rapier since she thought it was best suited for her fighting style she was going for.  she would practice her swings in the safe zone. Overtime she would get better and learn how to do sword skill but throughout this time she would hide this From Sasha with fear of what she might say

As Yui saw her as an older sister role model   but as time went on the kids in the orphanage would catch on to Yui coming home late and oftentimes make fun of her for thinking she can catch up to the Players in  frontlines but some would admire Yui for trying to get stronger. Yui would get better and better till one day she decided to step outside the safe zone and kill a boar.

At first she would be scared, noticing the Boar was bigger than her but she shakes her thoughts off and got in a stance and called for the boar.

as it charged after her she activated a skill pulling her forward and slashing the boar taking off half it hp. Almost losing her balance, she quickly got back in stance and repeated the same things to kill the boar. After which the menu screen popped up showing her she leveled up. With a smile and more detormenion she ran after the next boar. This would go on for a couple of days since many of the players were up on higher floors so she would have the floor mobs to herself

She slowly realized that she was leveling up really slow compared to the higher players, so by the time she would reach their level they would be far higher than hers. So she had to come up with something,  then it came to her to go up to a higher floor and ask a team to let her join so she could get higher mobs and more XP and level up faster.

She knew it was a long shot since she wouldn't  be able to do a lot  damage and one hit would probaly end her but Yui wanted to do something to help the player make it out this game. But she knew if she were to do that she would have to leave the orphanage so with her final decision she walked up to Sasha letting her know what She was up to and  the plan. Shasha was taken back to what Yui had been up to. She was too busy with the kids to notice but she tried to talk Yui out of it but seeing Yui fire in her eyes she knew nothing she would say would work. So she let her go after tearing goodbye.

Yui got ready and bought healing crystals and teleport crystals with the cols she gather from the boar quest and After goodbyes she headed off to floor 5

Yui would join other players in dungeons and get new equipment; other times she would also buy info off Argo about the lastest news and any info that can help her level up.

(Sword art online) What if Yui was a Player Not a Ai (ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now