~chapter 1A~

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   "im not a child anymore!"

   "well.. i do have a child's body rn"

   "but ill just play with the dresses later!"

you go back to the bedroom and began to investigate

you looked under the bed

jumped around the bed-

   "wait stop im supposed to investigate!"

you got off the bed and went back to the mirror again

you looked at the right side of the mirror and opened the drawer

you notice a fancy- gotta stop thinking fancy, everything is fancy in this bedroom

you notice a notebook inside the drawer

   "hmm i wonder whats inside~"

you open the notebook

   "oh it ain't locked"


Dear Diary

dad told me to always write Dear Diary at the start

 i will bee using this notebook

and write everyyday

myy name is Alicia Noverz

im 12!!

i will be having my birthdayy soon and get my magic powers

pg. 1


Dear Diary

I have a crush on a boy named Alex but I have been noticing something.

Whenever Alice walks near Alex he always seem to just get surprised

very surprised

Maybe he likes her

But I like him

I dont know waht to do

but thats it

pg. 6


Dear Diary

Today is my 13th birthday yay

And I now have unlocked my magic

seems like my magic powers are nature and something unidentified

sucks to be sis because i have magic powers unlikes her haha

but thats it

i will confess to him tomorow pls give me luck

pg. 7


Dear Diary

knew it

knew it

he likes sis

huh you like her more


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