Chapter 31: Everything so far

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"Right, so from the top."

Chervuse pointed to the board with the handle of her musket.

"It all started with the Liyue festival. Some Daniel appeared out of nowhere, and this is a fact that it did happen, right?" Navia chirped from her seat.

"Correct. Next, there's a missing girl Elena. That is fact, as we haven't been able to locate her." Y/n added.

"Then there's Sam. Who's under Doctor Baizhu's protection, right?" Wriothesely asked, folding his arms.

"Yes. Sam's and Elena's relationship is younger brother and older sister."

Neuvillette's mind was multitasking as they went through everything they knew, only half-present.

He had been very concerned for Furina. Impartial as he was, he had known her for 500 years, and her sacrifice for Fontaine will not be easily forgotten.

He had mostly arrived in time to assist Furina, Traveller and Y/n. Shortly after, the Spina Di Rosula arrived and began damage control.

Looking at Y/n from the corner of his vision, he frowned slightly.

She still looked off, skin a little pale. It had been so ever since she got back from the village.

And she looked...regretful? But what for?

"But that theory wouldn't work." A voice interjected, dragging his mind to the present.

It was scary how easily Y/n could drag it down.

"If the murderer was the one who was murdered, it would bring up the speculation of a third party present, or a greater mastermind."

"But if Elena was wanted silenced, that man Dong-Yin could have been sent after him. But for unknown reasons, he was silenced instead."

"Perhaps...he found out something he shouldn't have?" Clorinde suggested.

After how they had helped him and Y/n, he decided to tell them about the case.

And of course they instead to help.

"But we're leaving out a few different factors." Neuvillette observed.

"Oh? And what does our Iudex observe?" Wriothesely asked, raising an eyebrow.

Neuvillette could have sworn he saw Y/n's brows pinch a bit before they relaxed.

"One, the injuries on Traveller and Furina. There could be hints on who or what sent those monsters after them."

"Two, the Melusines. When they are over the initial shock, I will ask them what exactly did they see happen."

"Three, the letter."

Ah, yes.

The letter.

Even Y/n has no idea what it meant.

"Can I see it again?" Clorinde asked, extending her hand.

Navia passed it to her.

Dear Y/n,

What I wished to be said can never be, for the path I have chosen does not permit it.

Please forgive me. Please don't hate me.


"It is a little strange, considering Y/n claims she doesn't know him." Clorinde observed, eyes narrowing slightly.

"If Y/n says she doesn't know him, she doesn't know him."

Even Neuvillette was shocked by how fast he rose to her defence.

"What I meant to say," he corrected, clearing his throat, "was that there is no consecutive evidence that Y/n does indeed know him. Innocent until proven guilty."

Clorinde muttered a word of apologies, and Navia sighed.

"No, no, this won't do. This mood is killing me."

Standing and beaming, she spoke.

"I think we all need a break. We've been wracking our brains non-stop."

"Let me guess- Macarons?" Y/n suggested.

"You read my mind!" She smiled.

Chervuse allowed herself a small grin. "So I finally get to try those?"

"Please, your sugar level is high enough as-is!"

"Pfft, sure. Want any, Monsieur Neuvillette?" Navia asked as a stove seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"No thank you." He politely declined. Macarons were too dry.

"Duke Wriothesely?"

"I rarely indulge myself in overworld food, so why not? I'm curious, anyway."

"Suit yourself! Six batches of Macarons, coming right up!"

"Six? Who's the last one for?" Y/n asked curiously, tilting her head.

"La-Furina. I recall she really enjoys them. Since she's the only one conscious, I'll just make some for her."

"Thoughtful as always." Clorinde remarked.

"That is indeed kind of you, Miss Navia." Neuvillette agreed.

Navia blushed. "Hey now, stop distracting me before I burn my fingers off...!"

"So...the Traveller." Wriothesely began as Navia baked away.

"What about him/her, Duke Wriothesely?" Neuvillette asked, tilting his head slightly.

"They're still unconscious. Seigewinne hadn't be able to wake them up yet, and even she's concerned."

Y/n frowned slightly. "Traveller will pull through. I'm quite sure they've been in a lot of deep shit before."

Neuvillette almost commented on her choice of language but decided not to.

"Like what? Fighting a god?" Clorinde asked with a snicker.

"Who knows?" Navia sighed from her stove.

"Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they have. The Archon quests sure are putting them through it."

"What?" Wriothesely asked, frowning slightly.

"Nothing. Navia, need any help?"

Five small plates of Macarons later, compliments flew across the table. Only Y/n hadn't touched hers yet.

"Try it, Y/n. It's sweet." Chervuse remarked.

"You're one to talk." Navia dared to tease back, raising an eyebrow.

(If you've seen her idles, there's one where she's just snacking away on junk food.)

Y/n hesitated, gave a diplomatic smile, and took a bite, almost frowning.

"Hm? Do you not like it?" Navia asked.

"No, it's just been some time since I ate sweet foods. It's very nice," Y/n smiled, expression smoothing over once again.

Although Neuvillette could see from the subtle twitching of her eye that no, she was very much not okay, and it was very much not nice.

"Ah, I see. At least you have some control over how much sugar you take and your calories-"

She was answered by Macaron flying straight into her mouth, effectively shutting her up.

Even Neuvillette could not suppress a snort.

Well, looks like the Fontaine crew are up to their shenanigans while trying to relax.



Wanted to reply to a comment correcting my grammar in a diff chapter, but lost the notif

So if the person who wrote it is reading this: Yes, I saw your correction. Thank you so much!

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