My Love

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You sit in the dark in your daughter's room, rubbing her back as your tears are silently streaming down your face. It was 10pm which was two hours past your three year olds bedtime, and she was barely falling asleep.

Your mind is full of thoughts about your boyfriends whereabouts as you pray your child finally closes her eyes. The grumbling sound coming from your stomach distracting her every few moments.

Your daughter had been sick for days, her body still a little warm due to the high fever she had. The only thing she has been wanting was her father, all day everyday you only heard the words, "I want daddy!"

All you could do was assure her that he would be home soon, even though you knew that was highly unlikely. Eren tends to leave for days on end without telling you where he goes.

The only thing he tells you is that it deals with work. You live in a nice house with working utilities and your daughter is happy, so you never tend to complain about his job.

Eren's line of work isn't the most. . legal, but it gets everything paid for and keeps you guys stable. Besides, anytime you try to ask about what he does, he shuts you down and tells you not to worry about it.

This time was different. You hadn't seen Eren in a week, even after many texts, calls, and voicemails, he hadn't said a word. You had been dealing with a sick toddler for a week by yourself, you were beyond overwhelmed.

Honestly, you were a little worried as well. He hadn't replied to any of the messages you sent regarding your sick child.

The roar of a bike engine shook you from your inner thoughts. Knowing exactly who it was, you gently laid your daughter in the bed, grateful that the medicine you gave her helped her stay sleep.

You kissed her on her forehead before turning on the monitor and walking out of her room, closing the door behind you. You tried wiping the tears from your face to put on a unfazed front, but your eyes were puffy and you were sniffling your nose so there was really no use.

You heard the front door open and close. Taking a deep breath, you walked down the stairs to head to the kitchen to try and finally eat something for the day.

When you reached the bottom of the steps you saw Eren placing his keys on the table near the door as he unzipped his leather jacket. He had a grocery bag in his hand, but you paid him no mind as you made your way to the kitchen.

You heated up a bowl of homemade soup you made and sat at the table. Eren walked in as you were taking a seat, setting the bag on the table.

"I brought her some medicine. Is she awake?" He asked as he grabbed a bowl to get some soup as well.

"So your phone does work. " You look over at the bag, "That would have been great five days ago."

Eren brought his bowl and sat across from you, you didn't look up at him and continued eating your soup. You were boiling with anger and it wouldn't take much go set you off.

Eren noticed the wet streaks on your face and the puffiness to your face, "Whats wrong? Why are you crying" He asked.

The thread was snapping, you shut your eyes in an attempt to calm yourself but it didn't help one bit. "Whats wrong?! Are you fucking serious Eren?" You looked up at him as he continued eating the soup.

"Our daughter has been screaming and crying all week refusing to eat or sleep because she wanted her dad!" You raised your voice, "Do you know how hard it is to convince her that you are coming back when I'm not even sure if thats true or not!?" Tears were streaming down your face again, "This is the first thing i've eaten all day and you want to ask me whats wrong?"

My Love | ErenJeager X FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now