Chapter 10

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The small village was bathed in the warm light of the midday sun. While Mark was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, his phone suddenly broke the silence with a shrill ring. Fluffy protested with an indignant meow, nuzzling Mark's ear, trying to wake him up. However, Mark blissfully paid no attention to either the ringing phone or Fluffy's feline insistence.

Responsibility for Mark's awakening fell to Stefan, his 16-year-old adopted son, whose punk aesthetic stood in stark contrast to the traditional British milieu. Stefan, with unruly hair, walked up to Mark's desk with a dramatic flourish. "Hey, old man! Time to rise and shine," Stefan said, poking Mark in the side. Mark muttered incoherently, wiping his drool, his eyes half-closed. Fluffy, undeterred, continued to meow in protest. "Come on, dad! Captain Gregory is on the line and he's talking like it's a matter of life and death or something," Stefan exclaimed, adding a theatrical note to his alarm call.

Groaning, Mark reluctantly reached for his phone. The screen lit up.

" Mark, this is urgent," Gregory's voice came over the phone. "We have reports of maniacal clowns wreaking havoc in the city. I'm not kidding"

Mark yawned and joked: "Manic clowns, huh? Looks like the circus has gone wrong. Are you sure you're not watching a horror movie, Greg?"

Gregory's answer was stern and precise. "This is real, Mark. Get to the station as soon as possible. We need your experience in this matter"

Mark sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Good good. I will be there. But seriously, clowns?"

"No joke, Mark. Move!" Gregory barked before ending the call. Mark, now fully alert, exchanged a glance with Stefan, who raised an eyebrow in anticipation. Fluffy, sensing the change in the atmosphere, gracefully jumped off the table. Mark turned to Stefan with a firm expression. " Listen, Steph, I need you to stay here today. This is a serious matter and I don't want you wandering the streets. Keep an eye on Fluffy, okay?"

Stefan rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes, I understand. No street antics today. I'll be a cat whisperer or something."

Mark chuckled, ruffling Stefan's hair. "Fine. I count on you"

While Mark headed into the kitchen to grab a snack, Stefan lounged on the couch, lazily flipping through a magazine. Fluffy, sensing the change in the air, settled down next to Stefan, purring contentedly. In the cozy kitchen, Mark hurriedly prepared a simple lunch, the clatter of dishes on plates echoing in the air. He gulped down his food, the urgency of the situation not allowing for a leisurely meal. After a quick lunch, Mark exchanged glances with Stefan. "Okay, Steph. I'm heading to the station. Keep an eye on what's happening here," Mark instructed seriously.

Stefan saluted playfully. "Don't worry, dad. I'll cover everything. The cat and I will hold the fort"

Mark grinned and quickly changed into his regular suit, exchanging his casual attire for a more formal one befitting a police detective. Leaving the apartment, Mark stopped a passing taxi, his mind already pondering the details of a strange case involving maniacal clowns. The taxi pulled up to the side of the road and Mark got in, telling the driver the address of the police station.

During the trip, Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. He considered possible versions and scenarios, mentally preparing for the unusual tests that awaited him at the station. The streets rushed past, and as the taxi approached the police station, Mark's expression became more focused and determined.

Arriving at the station, Mark paid for the taxi fare and went out onto the busy street. The familiar sight of police officers moving with purpose greeted him, and he squared his shoulders, ready to face the unexpected.

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