Chapter 27

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Hey everyone 🌞 my exams are finally over. Lets get back into the updates.

  Xiao Zhan has imagined many time  about when he and Xiao Yaozu would meet again.

     If Xiao Yaozu was a good life, he would probably treat him as a stranger, give him a cold or might never see each other again in the end.

     If his life is not good, he may hold him and cry bitterly and keep saying Zhan! I am your father! You can't ignore me or something else.

     But no matter what, there won't be the kind of love he wants in it.

     And speaking of it, he didn't expect  to meet so soon.

     Although the plastic factory was declared bankrupt at the time, he sold the house, and with his usual savings, he should be able to ensure that he will be safe for the rest of his life.

     Xiao Yaozu was always suspicious and cautious by nature. But now it seems that he is targetted by someone into a big trap.

     Thinking of someone who might do this for him, Xiao Zhan's mood was a bit complicated .

     "Is something wrong?"

     "Zhan! Save Dad! I was defrauded of all my money abroad! I..."

     This is the community where he and Wang Yibo live. Seeing passers-by keep looking back at him, Xiao Zhan sneered and looked at Xiao Yaozu who was about to start again, "I'll park the car over there first."

     Xiao Yaozu looked more old and haggard than he remembered. It was already the coldest in February, but he was still wearing only a thin beige jacket that didn't fit very well.

     Seeing Xiao Zhan coming out of the car, he immediately jumped over and grabbed his arm, saying, "Zhan, save Dad, I only escaped here by boat last night... Until now... I haven't even eaten yet..."

     "How do you want me to help you?"

     "Give me some money..."

     Glancing at Xiao Zhan's face, he said more cautiously: "I am penniless now, I need to eat, and find a place to live..."

     "How much?"

     "Twenty thousand? No, two million!"

     "Two million for food and rent?"

     "No, no, Zhan, I used to do gems business abroad... I can gamble on gems, I only need a chance, I will definitely turn it over!"

     While speaking, Xiao Yaozu's face had already taken on a crazy look. Xiao Zhan looked at him and thought he was looking like a typical gambler.

     Seeing that Xiao Zhan didn't speak, Xiao Yaozu said again: "It's true, Zhan, in the very beginning, I made a lot of money."

     "Isn't it the same as running away with money?"

Xiao Zhan had always been patient and obedient in his 20 years of life but kow hearing him talking in sarcastic tone, Xiao Yaozu became a little angry and said, "Don't forget, Back then I introduced you to Wang Yibo!"

     Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yaozu in front of him, feeling a bit strange.
     Although he was shameless in the past, his bearing and self-restraint were still there at that time, not like a rogue in the market now.

     Sure enough, suffering hardship for few days, he completely exposed his own nature?

     In the silence, the smile on Xiao Zhan's face gradually became a little cruel. Thinking of his current situation, Xiao Yaozu regained his senses and quickly lowered his posture and said, "Zhan..."

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