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  date﹕29/02/2024﹒  entry 1

— hidden files﹕infinite void 📑

﹒haii my mental health has been going downhill so much so i just randomly decided to use wp as a journal because i wanted to. also maybe to rant about gojo or jjk manga but not always gonna happen.

﹒OKOK to start off on my first chapter, this morning i woke up all cold and my feet was literal ice, i tried to turn my lights on but it didn't work so i assumed that my electricity went out because of the wind yesterday. lowkey started flopping because uhm i couldn't charge my phone and it was SUPER cold like i swear my hands were dry and freezing. the moment i took a step outside all the heat in my body left and i was struggling not to scream in angony bc WTF MAN I JUST WANT MY ELECTRICITY BACK IM SHIVERINGG but anyways when i went to the bus, that shit was crowded so i was squished between people and almost dropped my science binder twice!! arrived at the subway and i swear it smelled like shit in there i wonder who took a dump bc there is no bathrooms there. the amount of people there was insane bc like everyone was taller than my shortass and i almost fell down a staircase. i made it to school later and when i crossed the road, i saw one of my classmates and he told me school was closed. BRO MY JAW DROPPED WTF I WANTED TO FALL ON MY KNEES RIGHT THERE BECAUSE AINT NO WAY I JUST WALKED IN THE COLD JUST TO BE TOLD THAT SCHOOL WASNT OPEN!! took my sweet time to suffer in the weather and went home and my electricity was back. the good thing was i could turn my heater on so my bird won't die and also my march break starts early since i also dont have school tmrwww. ive put hand cream several times and my hands were still dry idk what i should do but its super annoying LIKE STOP BEING DRY MY LIPS ARE CHAPPED ALREADY I DONT WANT THE SAME TO HAPPEN TO MY HANDS. i think im going insane but i have lots of school assignments to do for my break but i couldn't get my stuff back from school AND I REFUSE TO GO OUT BESIDES IM STRUGGLING TO TYPE BC MY HANDS ARE STILL FREEZING. im genuinely tweaking but right after i turned the heater on, i prepared some spicy buldak ramen and sat at my desk while watching bsd wan, im gonna say bsd is a great show but i love jjk. i also find some similarities between those 2 shows. 1, both mcs are orphans, 2, they both have a mentor who's a dumbass but also pretty smart and powerful, 3, they always annoy that one person like kunikida/nanami. LAST, they got that weird sibling duo iykwim. i love bsd but i have never been so obsessed over jjk like i got a few mangas and a kenjaku funko pop and a gojo plushie who i kiss every night (its romantic omg). anyways after that i decided to stay in my bed with my gojo plushie while writing this and having fun texting a few friends of mine.

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