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From a young age I believed that we all had one true love. The one that was meant for us in every universe. I still stand to believe that but it's slightly different. I believe we can have many soulmates. We aren't set in stone to just one soulmate. I believe we have people we meet along the way that lead us to the one we are meant to be with. Forever. There's this invisible string attached to each one of us. We wait for many years tugging on the string but we get met with the frays along the way. They are expirences. We might meet a fray and think that we made it to the end of the string until heartbreak or misfortune happens and we continue along the path of the string. It may take months, years, decades, but I believe in the end we will always be united with our other half the one that completes us. The one who makes us a better version while not having to soley rely on them. We have platonic soulmates. The ones who feel like family but not in a romantic way. They make you happy they make you feel loved but not in a partner type of love, although they may love you more than your lover, because a friendship is unbreakable and held tightly together

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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