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Riley's pov
He pulled away, only to move mere centimeters away from my face. He looked up at me in the eye, his eyes dark with lust. He looked at my lips then at my eyes again, asking the burning question. I answered by attacking him with my lips, kissing him passionately. He was surprised at first, but then he kissed me back. He moved his hand to my hip and to back of my head, pushing me closer to him.
We both heard the click click click of the Liberian's heels walking towards us to make sure we weren't doing anything but school work. I pulled away quickly, but Brian tried to keep me where I was, for just a second longer. Oh god this boy was killing me. " do you need any help? Perhaps I could be of assistance?" The Liberian, mrs. Van asked. She pursed her lips, she never really wanted to be a Liberian, she hated us kids. And she was a bitch as well. " nope we're good, but thank you anyway" Brian said. She gave a quick nod then turned on her heels and left, her flowing black dress following her like a lost child.
"Ha that was close" Brian told me, moving towards me, leaning in for another heated make out session. But I moved away and he stopped confused. " what does this make us? I mean I really like you but I don't want just this. I want you forever. " wow I sounded so weak and wimpy. I poured me heart out to him, and it wasn't very good sounding.
Brian looked at me softly and smiled. "I love you Riley. I guess there's just one last thing to say. Will you go out with me?" I think my heart stopped at that exact moment. Like literally froze. I probably looked like a deer in headlights I was so shocked. He was waiting for an answer but I couldn't say anything. The bell ringing finally shook me back to my senses. He moved to get up but I grabbed his wrist pulling him back to me, I saw so much hope and fear in his eyes It hurt. "Yes" I breathed. His eyes lit up, and his smile was so big I smiled as well. He leaned down and kissed me one last time before he packed up his stuff and walked towards his locker. I gathered my things and went towards the door and my locker on the first floor. I couldn't believe it. I was dating Brian Bowen and he was in love with me. Could things get any better?

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