Yunho - Why Won't You Look At Me?

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I've been friends with Yunho ever since we were nine years old. We would spend every waking moment together for super long. We even took all of the same classes as each other in high school. Man, we even had scheduled sleepovers. Things were so good with him, we've been best friends for as long as I can remember.. but all of a sudden he's acting really weird. Whenever I hug one of our other friends or show any affection towards them, he gets all weird and mad for whatever reason. It's so confusing because he never used to do this until a few months ago, and he tends to get more clingy now.

This morning I got a text from Yunho which seemed oddly suspicious. The text read "Hey (Y/N)! I need to talk to you, and it's really important to me." I looked down at my phone with shock and quickly replied to his message. "Um, yeah, sure! Okay, see you in class." I replied to him. I placed my phone into my pocket and started to head off to school. It's actually really nice that I live a twenty minute walk away from school. Yunho doesn't live too far as well. I do have a car to drive to school, but it's basically pointless since I can just walk there.

(Two hours later)

Oh, how I absolutely HATE chemistry. In full honesty, it's my least favourite class. At least I get to sit with Yunho. He's always so fun to be around. Plus, he's super smart so I get the answers all the time. I was waiting at my desk for Yunho to come and sit down with me. As soon as I noticed him enter the classroom, I had some strange feelings that I haven't felt before. Especially towards Yunho. I felt my stomach turning and my head began to feel dizzy. I saw him smile as he sat down next to me. "What? (Y/N) not bunking chemistry class? No way." Yunho said to me sarcastically.

I lightly shoved Yunho's arm and groaned. "Oh come on, I've only skipped this class four times." I said to him, rolling my eyes to which he chuckled. "Four times too many" He teased. I rolled my eyes at him again. "Yeah yeah, whatever. At least I'm here now." I said with an annoyed tone. Yunho noticed how annoyed I was, causing him to burst out into laughter. Man, he really knows all of the right ways to piss me off. I grabbed my workbook out of my bag and began to fill it with the information that our teacher put up on the screen. Yunho did the same, but I could occasionally sense that he was looking at me. I decided not to look back at him to refrain myself from getting distracted.

The class has finally ended and now it's time to go home. I picked up my bag and began to walk out, when suddenly I could feel a hand pulling my arm from behind. I turned around and saw Yunho with an angry look on his face. I smiled and chuckled nervously, Yunho can be absolutely terrifying if he's pissed. Especially at me. I managed to stammer out a quiet "Wh-what's up.. dude?" his gaze at me darkened even more than earlier. "Why won't you look at me?" he said, his voice slightly shaky as tears welled up in his eyes.

My facial expression turned to one of concern and empathy. I gently grabbed onto both of Yunho's hands as he began to let out quiet sobs. As I noticed his sobbing, I pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, I never thought that you would take it to heart." I said to him in a gentle tone, to which he lashed out "Of course I'd take it to heart when I'm in love with you!" even Yunho himself was shocked by his own words. He covered his mouth in pure shock as I did. I took a few seconds to process what he had just said to me.

"You.. you're in love with me?" I said quietly, my voice still shaky from earlier. Yunho looked away shyly and nodded in response. I smiled brightly and walked towards him, further and further. My hand reached up to gently touch his cheek as I leaned in, slowly kissing his lips. He seemed shocked at first as he hesitated for a while, but as I felt him kissing me back, I knew that this would go well. At that moment, I realised that I want to be with him. Forever.

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