Chapter 2

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He doesn't know why he's here.

He only saw the announcement exactly once, that dance performance ad scheduled for Friday night. He swore he had seen it just once but, for some reason, he remembered the details, the time, and the date, echoing in his head for the rest of the weeks until the day arrived.

And he doesn't know why, but his feet brought him here. He isn't even sure if she will be there, as he only has a vague memory of Gwen's old hobby, but he comes anyway.

He arrives just in time, apologizing as he navigates through to find a seat among the crowd. He sits down and can't help but feel uncomfortable; there are only families and a few other students around, probably here to support a friend or a partner. He feels so out of place, and even though a part of himself screams to leave, he doesn't, he stays.

The lights dim, the curtain opens, and the show begins. He's distracted throughout the entire event, busy scanning for the blonde hair with pink tips among all the dancers. Performance after performance goes by, and just when he thinks it's a lost cause, suddenly, in the last act, he sees her.

They're telling a story through the dance, and someone nearby whispers: 'Swan Lake'. He easily spots her, because it's impossible not to notice her.

He should think about paying attention to the narrative, should focus on the other dancers, but his eyes are fixed on her: on her movements, her steps, her gestures, her performance. And she's so... beautiful, so elegant, that his eyes can only watch her, he's completely mesmerized.

At some point, he doesn't know if he's imagining it or if it's part of the enchantment, but he swears she notices, becomes aware of his presence, and returns his gaze with a flirtatious smile.It can't be, he thinks, she must be smiling at the audience.

But he swears she keeps looking at him, except for some crucial moments in the plot; she keeps her eyes on him as if dedicating the dance to him. His heart beats faster, and his cheeks heat up, feeling embarrassed, wishing the seat would swallow him, but he can't look away because he's completely enchanted, enchanted by her.

He only manages to break out of the trance when the show ends. All the dancers gather on stage for the final bow, including her, and again, her eyes remain fixed on him. What is she doing? What if someone notices this? Having all her attention feels too intimate, and improper.

The show ends, truly ends. The curtains close and people stand up, each starting to leave, but he stays there, sitting, stunned by what just happened.

He watches as families gather, some bringing roses or gifts for the girls. It's a very nice atmosphere, and he feels too distant from it all. As if it were something or a feeling or a mood that is far out of reach.

Could it have been them at some point? Maybe, perhaps. Because he would have attended all her performances, each and every one of them, he would have been happy and proud to do so. And then, when everything was over, he would have surprised her with roses. Would she have liked that kind of gesture? He's not sure, and it's something he'll never find out now.

This is how everyone starts leaving, one by one, and he just sits there, thinking about all those scenarios.

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