Chapter 3

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Mattheo woke up early, as he usually did, and stretched his lean and muscular frame before getting out of bed. He was staying in one of the most luxurious hotels in Moscow. It had a prime location and all the amenities he needed. He put on his running gear and headed out the door. A run was part of his daily routine, something that helped him clear his mind and focus on that day and tasks at hand. The morning air was cool and crisp, and the Moscow skyline was stunning in its glory. As Mattheo jogged, his thoughts wandered. He thought about his return to his estate today and about how he couldn't wait to tell everyone that the meeting was successful, and they had expanded into soviet territory. As he made his way back to the hotel Mattheo's thoughts were still on his upcoming travel and meeting with the Nordick family. As he entered his hotel room. He quickly discarded his sweaty running clothes and stepped into the shower, adjusting the water temperature to his liking. As he stood under the hot water, Mattheo couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation and calm wash over him. The steam and the heat from the shower helped eased the tension and worry in his mind. As he washed Mattheo couldn't help but admire his own physique. He knew that he was top physical shape, and he took pride in maintaining his appearance. His toned muscles rippled under the soap, and he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he had worked hard to earn his body. Finally, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After drying off and getting dressed, Mattheo had heard a knock at his door. On the other side was Marcel, his trusted associate and right-hand man. "Good morning, boss." Marcel greeted him with a respectful nod. "I wanted to come check on you before we head to the airport. Are you ready for the flight back to the Nordick estate?" Mattheo nodded. "Yes, I'm ready. Did you make all the necessary arrangements?" "Yes, sir. The car is waiting for us outside, and the private jet is ready to take off as soon as we arrive at the airport," Marcel replied. "Good. Let's get going." Mattheo said, grabbing his coat and making his way out the door. Marcel followed closely behind him as they headed down to the hotel lobby. As they stepped outside, Mattheo breathed in the crisp morning air and couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the trip ahead. He was looking forward to reconnecting with the Nordick family and hoping everything didn't crumble and burn while he was away. As they approached the waiting car, the hotel clerk opening the door for them and Marcel getting in first and Mattheo sliding into the seat next to him. The car pulled away from the hotel, making its way to the airport and the waiting private jet. Mattheo sat back in his seat, his thoughts once again turning to the upcoming meeting with the family and the future of his business. Shortly after arriving at the airport, Mattheo and Marcel boarded the private jet, ready to embark on their journey back to the Nordick family estate. As they took their seats, they were greeted by the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing smell of a hearty breakfast - courtesy of Sandra. "Good morning, sir," Sandra, greeted them with a warm smile. "I hope you slept well. I've prepared your favorite breakfast for you." Mattheo nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Sandra. Everything looks delicious." Sandra served them plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and golden-brown toast. Mattheo sipped his hot coffee and savored the taste of the rich Colombian blend. As they ate, Marcel filled Mattheo in on the latest developments in the Russian arm of their operation. Mattheo listened attentively, nodding and offering his insights and opinions on the various matters that Marcel brought up. After six hours Mattheo and Marcel had finally managed to make it back to the estate. He was welcomed by the Nordick family. They exchanged pleasantries and small talk as they walked inside. Mattheo stood before the Nordick family in the grand hall of their estate. The walls were adorned with oil paintings, and the beautiful nude carpet cover the oak hardwood floors. Large windows adorned with billowing drapes allowed natural light to pour into the room, casting the sparkling chandeliers in a warm glow. The air filled with the sweet scent of fresh-cut flowers arranged in crystal vases on elegant tables throughout the hall. After settling in, Mattheo went straight into business talk. "The meeting was successful," he announced. "We've managed to expand our business and I'm looking at having Giovanni join Anthony in Moscow to continue working with the key players." The family congratulated him. one voice caught Mattheo's ear in particular it was Tatiana. "Well done, boss." Tatiana said giving him a hug. "I knew you could do it." Mattheo couldn't help but hug her back. She really was like a mother to him. "Okay off to the dining hall." She said, "I have a big feast being worked on right now and its almost ready." Rushing the family off. The family's hurried footsteps echoed through the wood paneled halls as they made their way to the grand dining hall. The family had spread no expense in decorating the space, sparkling chandeliers hung from the ceiling, while large paintings depicting the family's illustrious history, adorned the walls. A long-polished table stretched the length of the room, with Mattheo sitting regularly at its head. The other family members took their places around the table. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. Everyone had piled their plates high with the delicious dishes Tatiana had laid out. The aroma of which filled the air and made their mouths water. The roasted meat was succulent and juicy, with the flavor of herbs and spices seeping into every bite. The mashed potatoes were creamy and buttery, with just the right amount of salt to bring out their natural flavors. And they steamed vegetables, were cooked to perfection - still crisp, yet imbued with a delectable hint of olive oil and garlic. As they drank their wine and savored the flavors on their plates, the conversation flowed easily and happily among them. For a moment, it seemed as though nothing could mar the conviviality of the evening. But just as the family was enjoying their feast and lively conversation, the atmosphere in the dining hall shifted. Mattheo heard Luca talking at the end of the table to some of the other family members about how of coarse Mattheo was going to send Giovanni to Moscow. Mattheo and set his fork and knife down and cleared his throat everyone fell silent. "Luca, is there something you would like to share with the family about the decision I made?" Mattheo said picking up his wine glass to take a sip. Everyone heads turning towards Luca to see what he has to say. Luca thought for a moment before speaking trying to hide his embarrassment of being caught. "I was just saying sir that it didn't surprise me. Whenever you expand somewhere you always send either Anothy or Giovanni to do the work and we are stuck here waiting on orders or holding down the fort." Mattheo clutched the wine glass tightly in his hand. He got up from his chair walking to the end were Luca sat. He leaned in close and whispered, "Are you questioning my authority here Luca?" A hint of anger in his eyes. "And what if I was?" Luca replied stupidly. For Mattheo he worked really hard to earn his right as the leader and he wasn't going to let anyone even from his own people talk to him that way he gave a slight smirk to Luca before slowly standing up. walking a few steps behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder "Here that everyone? Luca has decided to question whether or not I'm in my rightful place as the leader here." Everyone dared not to move they knew what Mattheo was capable of "Does anyone else agree with Luca and would like to question my authority?" Mattheo said daring anyone to agree with Luca. A multitude of "No sir." are heard from around the table "Mattheo bent down to Luca's ear. "Here that Luca. I am the leader, and you will do as your told or you will suffer the consequences. Am I understood?" "Yes sir." Luca responded. "Good." Mattheo took his hand off Luca's shoulder downed the rest of his wine and then proceeded to strike Luca over the head with the glass feeling it shatter into a million pieces that scattered over the floor with blood splattering all over the carpet as Luca collapsed to floor laying there unconscious, blood had started to pool around him. Mattheo walked back to his seat sat down took a deep breath and smiled. "Let's finish eating before the food gets cold. Shall we? Oh, and Tatiana dear bring me another wine glass, will you?" "Yes Sir" Tatiana whisked away and brought Mattheo another glass. They all began to eat like nothing happened. When the dinner had ended Maria came and vacuumed up the broken glass and shampooed the blood out of the carpet. Luca ended up with a concussion but overall was fine he learned never to question Mattheo's authority again. Mattheo laid in bed that evening tired from all the work that had done. Exhausted he couldn't help but close his eyes and fall asleep knowing that this was just another moment of him having to prove he was worthy, and he would stop at nothing to prove that he was the alpha.

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