0n3 - Anx!ety

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(Quick note: Anx!ety goes by Xe/Xem/Xir while Uperling goes by He/They!)
The memory replays again and again and again. It's not Anx!ety's memory, but it feels so real. It feels so horribly painful. That little kid, getting impaled by that sharp branch while running from the psycho chasing him. His terrified little face as blood pools around him and his screams of pain fill the air.

Footsteps approach Anx!ety's dark room, and a soft, childlike voice rings out. "...Anxie...?" The voice asks.

"...Lovehug...Please... L-leave... I- I can't..." *Anx!ety mumbles, xir mind in a dark spiral.

Eventually, Lovehug's footsteps fade, but Anx!ety's inner turmoil continues and blocks out everything else. Xe needs to know why this is happening, but can't do anything. Can't move from his painful spot.

After a few hours, the door creaks open, and a tiny body cuddles up against xem. Tiny arms wrap around Anx!ety's waist, the touch calming his mind. Lovehug rests his head against Anx!ety's chest, providing all the comfort he can. It's warm, comfortable in the darkness of Anx!ety's mind.

Eventually, xe drifts to sleep, cuddled up with Lovehug. How sweet! :3

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