7w0 - Uperling

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Uperling stares down at the sigil burned into his side, struggling to figure out what it means for the hundredth time. Thousands of possibilities form in his semi-clouded mind.
Why can I only access memories when it's a life or death situation? He thinks, shifting his faintly glowing eyes to the beautiful night sky. It hurts to think too much, yet he can't stop thinking. The silence leaves too much room in his mind. Why me...?

He lays down, watching the stars and wishing to understand.

He doesn't realize he fell asleep until he wakes to a light drizzle tapping against his body. "Fucking..." He mumbles while forcing himself up to find shelter.

A young boy's cries suddenly fill the air. Uperling rushes towards the sound, only to see a child impaled by a sharp branch and bleeding profusely. Their mind going into autopilot, Uperling rushes towards the boy to try and save him.

Eventually, Uperling manages to stop the bleeding and get the kid out of the rain. "Shhh... it's okay, you're safe..." Uperling mumbles, holding the boy close as tears trickle down his face. "You'll be okay, where's your parents? Your friends?"

The boy doesn't answer for a while. "I don't know..." The kid mumbles, cuddling closer.

Uperling's heart stings, like something's pulling their soul apart. After a few hours, the rain stops and he stands up with the boy, who is now asleep, comfortably in his arms. They start walking towards the nearby village. Uperling doesn't know how they know this, but they're thankful they do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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