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 ♔ 3 years later ♔

the roar of the crowd filled the air like a deafening thunderstorm as the tension mounted in the stadium, the excitement palpable as the World Cup final hung in the balance. 

among the players on the field, [Brothers Name] stood tall, his gaze focused and determined as he prepared to seize the moment that would define his legacy.

as the final minutes of the match ticked away, the score remained deadlocked, the fate of the championship hanging in the balance. 

but then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, [Brothers Name] seized control of the ball, his movements fluid and precise as he danced past defenders with the grace of a seasoned veteran.

with a burst of speed, he surged towards the goal, his eyes fixed on the prize that lay just beyond his reach. 

and then, in a flash of lightning, he unleashed a thunderous strike that sent the ball soaring towards the net with unerring accuracy.

time seemed to stand still as the ball sailed through the air, the crowd holding its breath in anticipation. 

and then, with a resounding thud, it struck the back of the net, sending shockwaves of jubilation rippling through the stadium.

the crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their voices rising to a deafening crescendo as they hailed Ego [Brothers Name] as the hero of the hour. 

"The God of Football!" they chanted, their voices blending together in a chorus of adulation and awe.

but amidst the cacophony of celebration, [Brothers Name] remained humble, his eyes shining with pride as he embraced his teammates in a moment of pure elation. 

for him, the victory was not just about winning a championship—it was about fulfilling a lifelong dream, a testament to years of hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination.

and as he basked in the glow of victory, [Brothers Name] knew that he had not just scored a winning goal—he had etched his name into the annals of football history, forever cementing his place as a legend of the beautiful game.

the gentle breeze carried the scent of cherry blossoms through the air as Sae stood at the edge of the serene park, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. 

today marked the anniversary of [Name]'s passing, a day etched into the hearts of all who knew her, a day of both mourning and remembrance.

as Sae gazed out across the tranquil landscape, his thoughts drifted back to the memories he shared with [Name], their laughter echoing in his mind like distant echoes of a bygone era. 

he could still hear her voice, soft and melodic, urging him to keep moving forward even in the darkest of times.

"hey, [Brother's Name], hurry up!" Sae called out, his voice breaking through the silence of the park. 

today was not a day for sadness, but a day to celebrate the life of their beloved friend, to honor her memory with joy and laughter.

with a sense of determination, Sae turned to face the rest of his friends, a warm smile playing at the corners of his lips. 

they were all there, gathered together under the shade of the cherry blossom trees, their faces alight with the shared memories of their time with [Name].

as they exchanged stories and laughter, their voices mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds, Sae felt a sense of peace wash over him. 

despite the pain of their loss, they had found solace in each other's company, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship that [Name] had helped to forge.

and as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the park, Sae felt a sense of closure settle over him like a comforting embrace. 

today was not a day of mourning, but a day to celebrate the life and legacy of their beloved friend, to cherish the memories they shared and to honor her spirit with love and laughter.

as they stood together beneath the cherry blossom trees, bathed in the soft light of the setting sun, Sae knew that [Name] would always be with them.

her presence woven into the fabric of their lives, guiding them forward with her gentle touch and her unwavering love.

as if reading his thoughts, just beside your grave, Sae saw a small rabbit. one similar to the a rabbit he saw years ago.

and as they raised their voices in a heartfelt tribute to [Name]'s memory, Sae felt a sense of peace settle over him, knowing that she would always be a part of their lives, a guiding light in the darkness, a cherished friend forever remembered and forever loved.

"goodbye, [Name]."

 - 𝐞𝐧𝐝 -

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