Ep 1: The first day of College

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Author POV:It was a Monday Morning and you were getting ready to go for your firts day of college
Y/M:Y/N are you ready to go?
Your mom called you from downstairs
Y/N:Yes Mom
You went downstairs after getting ready you have a bright smile on your face and ready to start the day
Y/M:Have fun at school today Y/N enjoy and do your best
Y/N: Yes Mom i will
You hugged your Mom and left for school
*10 minutes later*
You arrived at your School
The place was really big and beautiful you loved how the leaves are falling down from the trees
Y/N:This year will be a great a year
You said while smilling
You here the bell and its time to get to your firts class Science Class
You entered the hallway but the school is so big you cant seem to find your way to your room
Luckily you met a girl and decided to ask her
Y/N:Excuse me Hi im Kim Y/N nice to meet you
???: Nice to meet you Kim Y/N im Dianne
Y/N:Pls call me Khy that's my nickname
Dianne:Ok then Khy
Your wondering why her nickname is Khy because she is always a cheerful and kind person her smile is like the sky that's why her nickname is Khy back to the story
Dianne:Are you lost Khy?
Y/N:Yes i am i cant room 101
Dianne:You have Science Class
Y/N:Yes i do
Dianne:Great im in that class we can walk together
Y/N:Really thx Dianne
Dianne:No worries and let's be good friend's
Y/N: Of Course
While walking on the hallway towards your classroom Dianne asked you a question
Dianne: Hey Khy
Y/N: Hmmm
Dianne: Have you met some of the professor here?
Y/N: No why
Dianne Mind: I probably shouldn't tell her that some of the teachers here are cold and very strict
Y/N: Hello earth to Dianne everything ok?
Dianne: Huh oh yeah everything is good
Y/N: What were you thinking just now?
Dianne: Oh just my homework i forgot to do it
Y/N: Is that so
Dianne: My professor is gonna kill me when he finds out about this
Y/N: ( laughs)
Dianne: Not funny Khy
Y/N: Im sorry but aren't you a bit over dramatic
Dianne: No! Im serious Khy im gonna be in huge trouble
Y/N: Chill out maybe you can explain it to him/her that you just forgat to do it im sure its not that bad
Dianne Mind: If only she could knew what punishment we would get for not doing it
Dianne: *Sigh* Fine maybe your right
Y/N: *Smiles*
Dianne: Cute *Chuckles*
Y/N hides her face in shyness
Dianne: Your really cute when your shy you know that
Y/N: No one has ever called me cute so no i dont know if im cute
Dianne: Well im glad i was the first to call you cute then must be good luck and a sign of true friendship
They have known each other for only a few minutes but those minutes seemed like they knew each other in years
Dianne: Here we are and just in time too you can sit beside me
Y/N: Thx
????: Are you new here?
????: Yeah we never seen you before you must be new right
Dianne: Girl's come on leave her space dont pressure her
Y/N: It's ok Dianne
Y/N: Yes im new here this is my first day here
Y/N: Oh sorry i didn't tell you my name yet
Y/N: My name is Kim Y/N but my friends usually call me Khy since it easier you can call me by that or my name i dont really mind *Smiles*
????: Hi Khy my name is Christine
????: Nice to meet you Khy and im Hanna
Y/N: The pleasure is all mine and nice to meet the both of you
Christine: Do you know the name of our Professor?
Hanna: Dianne you told her right?
Dianne: No i didn't
Hanna: Why?
Dianne: Just because ok now leave me alone
You were shocked by Dianne's sudden reaction
Hanna: Woah chill out
Dianne: Sorry my head is just aching because i forgot to do my homework
Hanna: Chill you can copy mine if you want
Dianne: No! You know our professor always asked us on how did we get the answer
Hanna: But he won't know he already knows your smart
Dianne: I dont wanna risk it
Hanna: Either copy or you might get the punishment
Dianne: Im fine taking the punishment
Y/N's mind: Punishment what punishment can there professor actually gave them a punishment for just forgetting homework
Y/N: What do you mean by punishment Hanna?
Hanna: Oh you still don't know the rules of our classroom don't you?
Y/N: No i haven't
Hanna: I will go and get our president he will tell you what the rules are
Y/N: Why can't you tell me
Hanna: Well that's for you to find out
Your were clearly confused
Y/N: Ok then
Hanna walked to someone and decided to bring him to you
Hanna: This is our president
????: Nice to meet you
Y/N: Nice to meet you too im Kim Y/N
????: Y/N beautiful name *Smiles*
Y/N: Hides her face because of shyness
????: She's cute *Chuckles*
Hanna: Ummmm not to ruin the moment but the rules dude come on i didn't bring you here to flirt with a freshmen ok
????: Oh right im sorry oh and by the way my name is Mark
Y/N: Nice name
Mark: Thx
Mark: Since your new here are the classroom rules you need to follow only for science class got it
You nod your head in agreement
Mark: Good
Mark: Science classroom rules
1.) No Noise when lecture
2.) No Talking while on lecture
3.) No Distracting the teacher while on lecture
4.) Only answer the question when your name is called
5.) Class Officers take charge when our professor is sometimes late
6.) Only use the room pass more than 3 times
7.) Behave while lecture is on going
8.) President tells information to new students
9.) Homework must be submitted
10.) Follow and do your best in school
Mark: That's it
Y/N: Wow that's a lot
Mark: Well it is but if we dont follow them we get a punish----
Christine: Our professor is almost here
Mark: Oh F*ck
Mark: Everyone be on your best behaviour no noise stay silent and stay seated on your proper seat!
Everyone: Yes Class President
Mark: Good
Mark: Everyone stand up
Everyone stood up
Mark: Good Morning Sir Jungkook
Everyone: Good Morning Sir Jungkook
Jungkook: Good Morning you take your seat
Jungkook: Mark did anyone break any rules
Mark: No Sir everyone was in their best behaviour
Jungkook: Good then
Jungkook looked at your direction and saw you
Jungkook: Mark who is she?
Mark: Oh Sir that is a new student i already explained the rules so dont worry
Jungkook: Good then
Jungkook: You stand up and come here
You silently stand up and walked to the front
Jungkook: Your name *Coldly*
Y/N: Kim Y/N Sir
Jungkook: Kim Y/N ok then be seated

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