Ep 5: Her Gaze

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Jungkook POV
10 minutes after Jungkook class ended he can't keep her image out of his head she is the only thing he can think of her face,hair,eyes,lips he scanned her entire body thoroughly

Jungkook: Why can't i think straight i need some fresh air
Jungkook got up from his chair to get some fresh air overhearing Y/N and Dianne's conversation

Jungkook Mind: What are they talking about?
Dianne: I'll see you in recess Khy
Y/N: Yeah see you
Dianne: I better get to class
Y/N: Me too

Jungkook overhead their conversation about Y/N going to her next class her gaze caught his eye

Jungkook Mind: Why are you giving me this random feeling
Jungkook Mind: Your gaze itself is making me crazy i feel like i could die with your gaze

Jungkook saw that Y/N is now walking towards her class and decided to follow her

Jungkook Mind: I don't know why im following her but my mind can't seem to stop controlling my feet
Jungkook Mind: Who are you Kim Y/N?

Jungkook Mind: I don't know why im following her but my mind can't seem to stop controlling my feetJungkook Mind: Who are you Kim Y/N?

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Jungkook asked himself that question and continued to follow Y/N to her classroom

Jungkook Mind: Looks like her classroom is 102
Jungkook Mind: Her professor Sir Taehyung

Taehyung and Jungkook are great friends and he knows that Taehyung is a very smart person when it comes to Math

Taehyung and Jungkook are great friends and he knows that Taehyung is a very smart person when it comes to Math

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Jungkook Mind: You'll be in good hands with Taehyung Y/N i can assure you

Jungkook saw that Y/N knocked on the classroom door and a boy opened it and they started to talk Jungkook couldn't hear what they were saying so he decided to get a little closer just when he got close he heard the boy say to Y/N

????: You're really cute you know
Y/N: Thank You *smiles*

Jungkook's blood boiled when he heard that and saw that Y/N was blushing a little

Jungkook Mind: How dare he flirts with her!Jungkook Mind: She belongs to me and me only!

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Jungkook Mind: How dare he flirts with her!
Jungkook Mind: She belongs to me and me only!

Jungkook was clenching his fists until veins started to pop out from his hands he decided to calm down since he doesn't want his anger to take over

Jungkook was clenching his fists until veins started to pop out from his hands he decided to calm down since he doesn't want his anger to take over

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Jungkook Mind: Kim Y/N why are you making me feel weak and my heart beat fast why?

He kept asking himself the same question over and over until the bell rang it's time for 2nd period

Jungkook: *Sigh* I'll see you soon for now I'll admire you from afar

He whispered to himself before giving another quick glance at Y/N and started to walk slowly away from the classroom and slowly returning to his classroom

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