Who Needs Flowers When Your Dead? Nobody.

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"I don't need your fucking sympathy

I don't need anything more then you breathing

I'm fine you'll see, Just let me go...Let me be..."

I finished strumming the last chord. A single Em. I didn't see anyone in the door way, I didn't know anyone was home. It's not like it would have mattered anyway.

"That....Was. Amazing!" The voice echoed through my room. I mean it's not like much took up space. A simple wooden floor, a desk, my blood red and black bed, a mirror, a dresser and my guitars. 

My parents were strict. The only person I really cared to listen to though was my 18 year old (A/N:Yes he's 18 in this shush.) Brother, Oliver Scott Sykes. Yes the Oliver Sykes. As in frontman for the band Bring Me The Horizon. 

He walked over and patted my back then gave me a hug. 

"Baby Sykes, is following her brothers footsteps" He said wiping away an imaginary tear. I shoved him playfully then blushed. 

"Shush it Ollie!" We both laughed then he stood up and smiled then walked out of my room. 


My name is Katrina Sykes. I'm 16 years young. I have black hair with blue streaks, hazel eyes, and pale skin. I'm 5"6". Yeah yeah I know I'm short!  I like to sing, and play guitar. I wish to have a career in music just like my brother! My best friend name is Jane, shes the same age as me. We have about 5 matching tattoos. Me and my brother have about 5 1/2. I have snake bites and a belly button piercing along with double pierced ears.

I'm the "emo chick" at school, if that helps at all. 

I don't have many real friends. Not just because I hate pretty much everyone in this hell hole we call our world. It's also the fact that it's the whole 'Let me be you're friend cause your kinda famous and your brother is hot and famous" kinda thing. 

Anywhore, it's not like you want to here the rest of my boring ass life. So i'll just stop telling you about myself. 


I carefully set down my black acoustic. I picked up my messy pile of song lyric papers and chord papers. I organized them and put them away in a folder that I put carefully in the drawer. 

I grabbed my black towel that was sitting on my chair along with my Ipod. I made my way to the bathroom and put my Ipod on the dock, putting it on shuffle. 

The first song to come one was Braile- Bring Me The Horzion. I LOVE this song! I removed my clothes and stepped into the shower. 

Once I was finished, I stepped out and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around me right as the song A Devil For Me-Black Veil Brides came on. 

Ok so my brother does not like BVB at all! I mean I like them....But he says they look stupid with their tight clothing and make-up. I've many times sat there and explained that it's war paint. But he just won't accept it. Whatever he's missing out! 

"Ughhh turn that shit off!!!" Ollie yelled as he passed by.

"Oliver! How rude!" I said while giggling. 

I ran to my room after grabbing my things. I set my stuff down on my bed and went over to my closet. I grabbed a black loose Drop Dead tank top, purple skinny jeans, black and purple converse, and my black and purple beanie. 

After getting dressed and doing my make-up, I heard a knock on the front door. 

"Ollie I got it!" I yelled as I swung my door open and ran down the stairs. 

I opened the door to see my 17 year old brother Tom looking at me.

"KATRINA!" He yelled.

"TOM!!!!" I yelled back! I loved him, but I don't get to see him often because of school.

"Tom?" I heard feet pounding upstairs so I turned to see Ollie staring at us. Tom and Ollie ran at eachother and hugged.

"Ahhhh dude I missed you!!!" Tom said to Ollie.

"Family hug!" They both yelled pulling me in to. 


Tom and I were sitting on the couch watching Batman and eating mac and cheese, when there was a knock on the front door. 

I turned and stared at Tom. He looked at me then sighed and got up. I smiled and did a little victory dance.

"Oh my god Tommmm I didn't know you were here!" Oh god no. Please tell me that isn't who I think it is. 

I whip my head over to the door to see a bleach blonde skank hugging Tom. He just held up his hands and stared at me. 

She turned and glared at me. "Oh hey Katrina" she hissed my name. 

"Oh hey Skank, I mean Samantha" I said with a small smirk. Tom looked at me and started laughing. 

Samantha is my ex-"Best friend" yeah she used me to get to Ollie and hey I guess she got what she wanted. 

"Hey Ollie your hoe is here!!!" I sang up the stairs. 

Ollie came out and glared at me. Then walked down towards her. I just smiled at him then turned and went back to watching this play out. 

"Oh baby you look so goood!!" She said rubbing down his chest. 

I snickered at her. "Gold digging fucking whore" I mumbled. I guess a little to loud because they all looked at me. 

I turned my head and smiled. "What?" I asked with an inoccent voice.

Samantha glared at me while Tom laughed and Ollie just stood there. He pulled out his phone, after a minute he put it back in his pocket and mine buzzed. I pulled out my phone to read it. 

Ollie-Katrina, please be nicer to her. You know I like her.

Me-Um...No sorry bro, I love you and all but I don't see how I could be nice to a skank like that I mean come on. Do you really think she likes you? When has she ever treated me nicely, or you like a real human? 

I sent it then waited. Ollie pulled out his phone the looked at me and sighed. 

"So um...Samantha, what are you doing here? Not that I'm mad or anything!" He said as if he was a scared puppy. God that made me sick. 

"I just wanted to stop by and say hi. And Ollie, I wanted to hang out with my friends tonight but I don't have any money." She pulled a puppy dog face. And there it is, the miner getting her gold. "I'll do anything you want." She said trailing down his chest with her finger then kissing his lips.

"COUGH COUGH WHORE ALERT COUGH COUGH!" I yelled really loudly. Tom, who came back and sat next to me, high fived me and we both started laughing. 

Samantha rolled her eyes and flipped me off. Then she turned and face Ollie again, who pulled out his wallet and handed her money. Damnit Ollie stop. 

Samantha squealed then jumped onto Ollie. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She kissed him then ran out the door. 

I sighed then got up and walked to the kitchen. Someone came in behind me and let out a sigh. I turned around to see my brother staring at the ground.

"Ollie, this really has to stop." I said pulling out a cup to make hot chocolate. 

"I know...But I just don't know how to make it stop....." He mumbled. 

"Just fucking let her go goddamnit! I'm fucking tired of sitting her and watching you give into her! You know she's not good for you! Get the fuck over her!" I slammed the cup down, it didn't break. Ollie looked at me. 

We stared at eachother for a little bit before I let out a breath. 

"Just let her go.....Your hurt enough" I said turning around to make my hot chocolate. 

Who Needs Flowers When Your Dead? Nobody. (Oliver Sykes Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now