II) Attention

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Reyna bid us farewell and we rode into New York, of course we used shadow travelling, the best dog in the whole wide world - Mrs O'Leary - took us all on her back, we got to the school in about 10 minutes, but we were still late, just my luck.

Our gang, walked through the door and immediately got stared at, since everyone, except me, was new to the school, I took them to the office to get their schedules, lockers and so on, I didn't have to be there but there was no way in Pluto that I was going to class alone.

I saw Paul - my stepdad - who was there too and we talked until the others came out, we hurriedly walked to our second lesson - which was already half way done.

The halls were empty which made me more nervous, we all walked into the classroom and all eyes were on us once again, I heard giggles through the crowd but I didn't know from who, I saw a couple of familiar faces but no one seemed to recognize me, or at least not yet.

The teacher, called us Infront, he had a beard that was nicely trimmed and a turtle neck with a grim expression but he seemed very relaxed at the same time, he introduced us to the class and made us sit down in the front row with another group of girls, I heard one of them giggles while another just rolled her eyes at me, ouch , I mean I didn't even do anything.

Soon came lunch, the gang sat on one of the benches and started eating while Leo whispered to me and Hazel , "watch this." The next thing I saw, Leo was asking a blonde girl for her number, the same girl who rolled her eyes at me, Annabeth Chase.

I suddenly remembered her name, she was in Goode last year too, but she and I never really talked, we just saw each other in the halls, that's it, and here Leo is asking for her number Infront of the entire cafeteria, the girl next to her squealed, she was the same girl who was giggling. Now the whole room was interested, trying to listen in to as much as possible. She looked over her shoulders and I could tell she was aware people were listening, and for a second, her eyes met mine. She quickly looked back at Leo and reluctantly handed him her number after the squealing girl nudged her to. I could tell she was uncomfortable but I just watched in awe.

Her eyes were what always caught my attention, they were a perfect grey colour. Soon enough Leo came back to our table grinning as a bunch of guys cheered for him, apparently, Annabeth gets asked out quite a lot, but she always declines them. Her eyes fell on our table and locked with mine once more, gods what am I doing I thought to myself. Once Leo sat back down and said "No one can resist a Badboy." I didn't know what to think, I had a lump in my throat and something weighed on my heart but I didn't know what. I smiled at him a little half heartedly and congratulated him. I didn't understand what I was feeling.

Once lunch was over it was time for PE which meant I could dominate these mortals at their own game mwahaahaahaha. I loved not being in the classroom any more. I still got stared at by a bunch of girls, it felt uncomfortable.

We played basketball and I was put in a team with Leo, Hazel, some girl named Piper and Annabeth. Jason was against us along with, some girl named Rachel, Nico, and two dudes, one named Connor and another named Travis.

I didn't recognize most of them even if they studied with me before, I guess saving the world really takes a toll on your memory.

I kept sharing glances with Annabeth once again but I kept pulling away and I could tell she did too. Leo kept staring at her too but seemed oblivious of us, I did the jump with Jason and let's just say he can pretty much fly so it was not fair. No problem though, I stole it back real quick, I mean, if Neptune wasn't my dad, Mercury (Hermes) could've easily substituted.

We won in the end, of course, my aim wasn't the best but luckily Annabeth was pretty good. After that Leo tried to talk to her but I guess he startled her because she judo flipped to the ground. She immediately looked guilty and helped him up, which caused Leo's hands to smoke a little, see, Leo has the power to create fire from his hands, being the good friend I am, I quickly dropped everything I was doing and poured all my remaining water on his hands so they don't explode into a flame, I mean, that will not be easy to explain.

My day keeps getting weirder and weirder. Ever since those sea-green eyes approached me in chemistry, well, they didn't really have a choice since the teacher told him to sit next to me but still, my brain is going haywire here!!

Then I get asked out during lunch, I mean, piper sang a whole song to me by just squealing, gods, and the weirdest thing is that I gave him my number, one second I was locking eyes with him, the next I was writing my number on a paper and handing it to Leo, gods I'm going to kill piper for accidentally charm speaking me into doing that.

Theeennn, I get put in a group with the guy that asked me out and the guy I wanna ask ou- oh my gods did I really just say that, I do not like him, I can't, he's a mortal, arghg. I hate being a demigod sometimes, I can't be normal, I can't ask out a crush without worrying about them getting impaled by a monsters.

Ha, you guys thought I was done? Nope because I accidentally judo flipped the guy who asked me out because I was so focused on how weird today was. Of course I helped him up, and theeennn, the guy, the guy walks up to me, no not me, him, "Leo, you've got to be more careful" his eyes glinted with worry while, dumping all his water on the guy who asked me out's hand's, who now i know as Leo. "I'm alright Percy. But thanks." Leo said.


My thoughts drifted into his eyes once again, I've seen him before but something about him was different, his eyes sparkled with more.. happiness. And you may be asking 'How could you have not noticed his eyes before?'
And to answer that question, I have, I've had a secret crush on him since last year, when I first joined. I never made it obvious but seeing him again makes it difficult to keep hiding these feelings. GODS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???

I quickly looked away and I could almost tell that he was restraining himself from me too, wait, wait, wait, wait, does he like me??

Annabeth Chase do not fall for a mortal, i thought to myself. Even if he did like me back I can't date him, it'll put him in trouble and I can't bear seeing him get hurt. Gods I hate life right now.

My thoughts were interrupted by Leo, "You know you can apologise by buying me dinner." Leo said with a smirk "Real smooth Valdez, real smooth" Percy said with a smile. Gods I was going to drown in those eyes again but luckily Piper interrupted and pulled me away.

"What up with you guys? Eee!! Is there a love triangle going on between you guys??" She said wiggling her eyebrows while saying love.


Why can't I just find someone for myself and be happy? Why can't I find love? Don't even bother, you just sound selfish, I thought to myself.

"Umm hello?" Piper said snapping her fingers. "You're doing it again"

"Doing what, I'm not doing anything." I said

"Anabeth, you keep thinking about something, what is it."

"It's nothing.'' I said a little too quickly.

"If it's about luk-"

"No it's not I'm fine"

"No, you're not, so just talk to m-"

"I said I'm fine!'' I said half yelling. Gods I'm a mess today.

Piper looked at me concerned but didn't push further, I'm glad she didn't because I was really close to tearing up in front of the whole class.

After that, nothing happened, thank the gods. I went home, said hi to dad, my brother's and Hellen (my stepmother). I went up to my room and Bobby asked me when my 'cool friends' are coming. I guess he missed my demigod buddies. I just smiled and said "Soon." Then I ate dinner and went to bed, not before finishing homework of course.

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