Forever With You: A Letter of Love

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Dear Stephanie,

I can still picture it all out in my head. Everything that has happened since you came into my life - they are stuck in my memory, like scenes in a movie that I love the most.

I can still remember the first time you approached me. How nervous you looked and how you said the words, "I like you!" Thinking about it makes me so proud.

Because I have no idea on how a perfect girl like you fell for a boy like me. How did that happen? That's the million-dollar question that's been running in my mind. I don't know what's special in me that makes you love me the way you do.

I didn't use a secret potion on you. But maybe . . . it's magic. It's magic that made you fall in love with me.

I don't deserve you, I know that. I'm childish and immature, and you're everything a boy can ever hope for. To me, you always give all the love that you have - and it's impossible to think there's still love left for yourself. But when it came to you, I gave nothing but the bare minimum, the less, the least efforts I was willing to exert.

You've focused your eyes and attention on me all these years. I'm sorry for averting my gaze and looking at someone else. You've sacrificed and picked the shattered pieces of your heart a million times just so you could hand them over to me, whole and pure. While all I did was play with it like it was some kind of useless toy.

I'm sorry . . . For everything . . .

For my mistakes, for hurting you, for breaking your heart. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for doing nothing back then but break you as hard as my numb and stupid heart could.

I was blind for not seeing the light I've always been looking for in your sparkling eyes. I was naive for taking you for granted as if I would still be able to meet someone like you. I was so stupid back then.

But then . . . I got hit in the head. My world was shaken up, and there are lots of realizations that almost knocked me down.

And now it's time to wake up. It's time to show up in your show called "love". It's time to make it all up to you.

It's time do my part . . . It's my time to show you everything I should have shown from the very start. To say the words I couldn't back then. To do the things that didn't even cross my little mind. To express the kind of love that you deserve.

Because you deserve it all.

A brave girl like you who was willing to go all the way to get to an underserving boy she wanted . . . to admit that she had feelings for him even though she wasn't sure he would love her back, and to hand him all her love - deserves it all.

You deserve the whole me. The new me.

You deserve the entire universe, do you know that? You should have the best things in life because in this life, you attract what you deserve - and you are the best thing in my life, so . . . I'm not gonna hold back now. Nothing can stop me now.

I may not be Callum Scott, but I will climb every mountain and swim every ocean for you.

Because regardless of the fact that I'm hard to love, you've stayed. Regardless of all the pain and struggles I've caused you, you've chosen to choose me. You choose to keep on loving me.

You've invested all your time, care and feelings in me even though there was no certainty that it'd pay off. You held on to me even though all I did was push you away.

Your love for me is unconditional. It's genuine, true and real.

I didn't deserve you and we weren't on the same level, but you did everything in your power to make us compatible. To prove that we're meant for each other.

You have no idea how much grateful I am that I have you in my life, you by my side. You, you are the greatest blessing God has ever given to me. I can't ask for more 'cause with you, I've got everything I need. With you, it's like the whole world is mine. With you, I'm always happy and fine.

I don't think actions and spoken words are enough to fully express how much I've loved you, so I wrote a letter. Through this letter, you will be able to read what's exactly running on in my mind. You will feel how really deep my love is for you. Because with this letter, I'm giving you a piece of me - no, I'm giving you all of me. Because as you take this letter in the palm of your hand, you are also taking my heart and soul with you.

Please take me, and together, let's build our own paradise. Let's hold hands, walk side-by-side, and get to forever together.

I love you, Stephanie.

Yours Truly,

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