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Hello everyone,

I'm Nazrana Wani, hailing from the picturesque district of Bandipora in Paradise. Amidst the serene beauty of snow-capped mountains, blossoming buds and golden meadows, I found my passion for writing while pursuing my academic journey in the realm of science.

Since my school days, writing has been my sanctuary, allowing my imagination to soar and leaving a lasting impact on those who encounter my words. Over the years, I've co-authored over 30 anthologies, including several "World Book of Record" editions, showcasing my dedication to the craft.

In addition to my collaborative works, I've authored two solo books: "Shadowless Evening," a collection of rhymed poetry, and "Heartstrings Connected," a captivating novel that reflects my unique storytelling style. These literary endeavors have earned me recognition, including over 150 accolades in writing, prestigious awards such as the Examplary Youth Award for "Best Author," and titles like the "Aspirant William Shakespeare Literature Awardee" and more...

Outside of the literary world, I've excelled in martial arts, securing the red belt and becoming a two-time national medalist. My commitment to global issues is evident through my involvement in initiatives such as the International Model United Nations, where I serve as an Official Campus Ambassador intern.

Warm regards,
Nazrana Wani

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