Cara Mia | 01

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"How was everyone's summer then?" I asked with a half-hearted smile, noticing everyone's dark eyebags. I dug into my chicken wings waiting for a reply. "Good Rosie, how was yours?" Pansy avoided eye-contact with me. "Oh, it was just perfect, I spent most of the time down by the docks, y'know fishing with Hunter and my new friend, Kylo, hes brilliant. We had big sleepovers on the trampoline. It was perfect." I rambled with my mouth full. The girls laughed at me whilst the boys rolled there eyes, they hadn't said a word to me since the train. 

"So new love interest then Rosie? Sounds like true love to me." Daphne laughed at me. My ears reddened at the mention of relationships. Growing up like me, relationships were forbidden, the only man I was supposed to love was my father. "Oh merlin no! He's gay, as much as I love him if he wasn't gay, still not my type." I shrugged, sipping my juice. "So who is your type then Rosie?" Blaise asked with a dumb smirk on his face. "Most definitely not you Blaisey." I claimed, digging back into my dinner. 

After the Feast was finished, we were all walked in the halls towards the dungeons, Theodore still not muttering a word to any of us. "So, annual Slytherin party tonight? " Mattheo wrapped an arm around my slim shoulders, slightly shaking me. "Well, I never go to parties so why should I come to this one?" I said, trying to avoid coming. "Its our last first day, c'mon, every year we go to parties and you never come! Just come this once and if you don't like it then you never have to come again." Pansy practically begged. "I guess," I shrugged, everyone erupting into cheers earning a few judgemental stares from students passing by. 

"You look perfect!" Pansy smothered my in a hug. "Cant breathe." I muttered out, she laughed and let me go. I was wearing a short green diamante dress that hugged my new found curves in the perfect spots. My breasts has grown at least 2 cup sizes over summer and my hips had widened , regardless of that i had still lost a noticeable amount of weight. Pansy had a tiny black silk dress on, nothing out of the normal for her, but me wearing a dress and going to a party: unheard of. 

The green lights flashed over the hundreds of dancing bodies in the common rooms, people stood in corners snogging, a full bar covered in all types of alcohol being tended by Fred and George. "Hey boys," Pansy threw herself between Blaise and Draco, I plopped myself on the end next to Theodore. I send Theo a soft smile as I sat down, him not returning it. "I'm going to get drinks." Theo stood up abruptly, storming away, his scent burning my nostrils. "Whats up his arse today?" Daphne asked, sipping a liquid out of a red cup. I shrugged. "Merlin only knows." Pansy answered, leaning her head on Blaise. We all spent time laughing and joking together waiting for our drinks. 

Theodore turned back up with multiple red cups in his hands and handed them out one by one, mine was the last to be handed out. I sat in silence sipping on my drink, "C'mon Rosie lets dance!" Pansy and Daphne clung onto my hands dragging me, my cup still in my hands. 

We were grinding to the music together, three drinks down and my thoughts were blurred, eyes were burning holes through my body, out of instinct I spun my head around to see who ws staring in such a way. My eyes met his. Theodore Nott. He sat still, sipping his drink, his eyes not leaving mine. I rolled my eyes and went back to dancing as I was with the girls. 

Theodore Nott 

Her eyes didn't leave mine once, the ways her hips were moving to the music was indescribable, her newly large breast slightly bouncing. 

"Theodore?" A voice broke me out of my trance. "Oh-" Blaise hooted, as he saw where my eyes were. "So, little innocent Rosie?" Blaise slung his arms around my shoulders. "No, merlin no! Just realised how much weight she's put on over summer." I grimaced , standing up to grab another drink. 

I lied, the way her eyes bored into mine made something go off in my stomach, a feeling I've never felt before. The way her hair was always perfect was a slight curl in it.  Oh merlin, the way her body looked in that dress, it complemented her body perfectly every perfect inch of it. I'd never deserve her but I'd always be longing to be the one to dance with her. 

I threw myself back down on the sofa with a new drink, still watching Rosalind. Every inch of her. I lit my cigarette and zoned out from the conversation happening amongst my friends next to me. 

I saw Pansy and Daphne mutter into her ear and her head nodding drunkenly, and the pair walking off. Rosie, still dancing like she was the only girl in the room. I sat and admired her. 

A hand slithered around her waist, an obviously male hand. She continued dancing obliviously undenounced to what was about to happen. The male hand travelled up squeezing her breasts. She jerked her head back towards him, clearly not consenting to the grope. I lowered my head and and took a deep inhale of my cigarette before throwing it and storming towards them.

Rosalind  Mackenzie

A hand clung onto my waist, I brushed it off thinking Pans was back but when I looked down I saw a mans hand. A mans hand. I tried prying the hand off but nothing worked, I looked over to Theo as a cry for help and he wasn't there.

The body was pryed off of me and hit the floor, I spun around to see Theodore on top of the boy, covered in blood. His fists banging his face repetitively, the cracks of bones heard throughout the room. 

Blaise and Draco dragged Theo off of the boy after Theo started stomping on the boys head. He spat on him muttering, "Fucking cunt." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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