An Enemy in Need

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*Scene: Secco*

*Secco inhabitants are thronging the streets of the once-flooded city. Chris, Sonic, Maria, Tails, and Amy stand before the Secco Elder*

"We are grateful for your heroism. You saved our Planet Egg and our planet. We shall do our best to bestow upon you the thanks that you deserve by holding a festival today in your honor! A parade, music, dancing, and a feast to show our thanks!,"said Secco Elder.

*Sonic whistles*

"Sounds good to me!,"said Sonic. "Me too! 'Specially the feast part!,"said Amy.
"Sounds like fun, Tails,"said Chris.
"I'm not so sure I'm gonna like this...,"said Tails. "Don't worry Tails, it will be a fun,"said Maria.

*The festival begins. Everyone is seen dancing. The festival also involves a parade of giant wooden ships, one of which is carrying our heroes and put Maria on a wooden throne*

"They all go out,"said Chris. "Yeah,"said Sonic.

*The elder is dancing upon a high platform*

"One... Two... Three! Hahaah!,"said Secco inhabitant.

*One of the Secco Inhabitants tosses Sonic into the air in celebration*

"That's it! Now everybody!,"Secco Elder.

*Tails is tossed into the air next, then Amy*

"(Oh, I just can't get enough!),"They said.

*Everyone is now being thrown into the air*

"Why are they throwing us?,"asked Chris. "Don't knooow!,"said Sonic.

*It is revealed that they are bouncing on a giant trampoline. Maria was sitting on the throne and Secco Inhabitant was bowing to her*

"Haha! This is how we honor heroes and Princess Maria!,"said Secco Elder.
"There they are!,"said Cosmo.

*Knuckles, Cosmo, Helen, Maria's Chao, Cream, and Cheese join them soon*

"Look what I have!,"She said.

*Even though he is bouncing, Sonic sees the object*

"A Chaos Emerald... Who found it?,"asked Maria. "I did, 'cause I wasn't too busy partying with the locals. *Helen slaps him in the face* Ow! I mean Cheese, Cream, Helen and Cosmo found it,"said Knuckles. "Wow, that looks like fun!,"said Cream.
"Chao chao!,"said Cheese and Maria's Chao. "Yeah and look Maria's on the wooden throne,"said Helen. "Yeah, if you wanna feel like a yo-yo...,"Knuckles said. "Why are they bouncing you like that?,"asked Cosmo. "It's for getting their Planet Egg back!,"Chris answered.
"It's a token of their appreciation,"said Sonic. "I'm appreciated enough!,"yelled Tails. "I can't take much more!,"yelled Amy. "This is so wonderful. *She looks back at the Chaos Emerald* I can't believe that we already found one,"Cosmo said. "This means we have only six more to find, doesn't it, Cosmo?,"asked Cream.

*The Secco Elder has overheard them*

"You down there, friends of the heroes! Let us honor you too! Throw them here!,"said Secco Elder.

*Soon Cream, Helen and Cosmo are also bouncing on the giant trampoline*

"Come defy the forces of gravity!,"He said. "*Waves hand* I'm actually a big fan of gravity,"said Knuckles. "Look they're bowing to Maria and she looks like a real princess,"said Helen.

*A spy drone is seen watching them*

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