Chapter 98: Season 8 ~ Here to Help

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The boys slept very little that night, and instead stayed up to discuss a plan of action for hours until they were so exhausted that they both passed out in a heap on the couch. They still woke up a little after sunrise to execute their plan.

They got themselves and their things into the eagle truck. Once again, nobody tried to stop them on their way out of Alexandria. It occurred to Jasper that this was probably only the case because everyone who would stop them was gone, off doing something or other for the war effort or for themselves.

Rick was still out attempting to re-ally with the Junkyard People, Michonne and Rosita were distracted with something somewhere or other, and Daryl and Tara had left in a truck, but didn't say why. It seemed to be a time for impulsive decisions, the boys guessed — the eye of the storm, impending doom, death inbound and all that.

By the time the burned suburb had faded to long tree-hooded country roads, Jasper had developed a question in his head.

"Even if you find this guy, how do you know he's someone we can trust?"

Carl didn't look away from the road. He just inhaled and squeezed both his hands around the wheel.

"I gotta do what's right," he explained. "I m...m-ade a promise."

Jasper knew the one — remembered it in Carl's own words from that night in the office blocks — 'You gotta do what's right, baby,' Lori had said to Carl on her death bed. 'Promise me you'll always do what's right. Don't let the world spoil you.'

Under his breath, Jasper whispered, "You are so good..." but moved on quickly when the side of Carl's mouth lifted, like he might've heard. "So, what do we do when we find him?"

"When I find him. You're staying put."

"I know, I know. I just mean, what are you gonna say?"

Carl's face went a little pale. "I... haven't really thought about it."

Jasper smirked.

"I'll, uh... I'll introduce m...m-yself," Carl said. "And I'll explain that I have more food, w...w-ater. I'll... tell him I'm here to help."

"What if he doesn't believe you?"

Carl pulled into the same gas station as yesterday and then took a lane to the left that led down a path through the woods. He parked within the tree cover and switched off the engine. He shrugged.

"He talked about his mom," he answered. "He's honouring her. He'll understand."

Jasper felt a small bit of jealousy. It was something he and Carl had never been able to relate over. Jasper never got to say goodbye to his parents. There were no promises or last words to honour or not honour. Mr. and Mrs. de Luca were rotting in graves with their youngest unborn son, and their eldest three states away buried in a prison yard. Who knows what any of them wanted for Jasper? Who knows if they would've even been able to recognise him anymore?

"You'll ask him the three questions?" Jasper asked.


Jasper fidgeted. "You know you're the biggest hypocrite I've ever met for this, right? This is beyond just being stubborn and reckless, even for you. This... This is..."

Carl waited. They both knew Rick would be furious once he found out what they were doing. They'd discussed it all last night — bringing back a stranger, now, with everything going on? But they had both agreed that perhaps this was one of those instances when grown-ups had it wrong, and that now was their only chance to act on it before it was too late...

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