Chapter 2: The Golden Deer House

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I walk into the Golden Deer classroom and was greeted by the house leader and future leader of the alliance Claude von Riegan. Everyone here is nice. I may not get along with some people but for most of the people, I should be fine with them. Claude is a schemer and I honestly don't mind it. I like his schemes and I think he'll have better ones in battle. Hilda Goneril is a very good fighter but she is also lazy, she reminds me of my sister Angie but Angie is willing to fight, Hilda is always trying to find someone to do it for her and the worst part is that people are actually willing to do it for her. Like I get she's a female but really! She can handle herself but at the same time, you can't trust everything you hear. Lorenz Gloucester is a noble but he makes me uncomfortable. I feel like he's always trying to impress me and like he is just trying to be nice but I feel uncomfortable with it and don't get me wrong I want to be friends with him but I would need to get to know him as a person more to determine if being friends with him is a good idea. Leonie Pinelli is so cool. She used to hunt before she came to Garreg Mach, I don't know if she still does but it would be cool. She likes to fight and so does my sister! They both have a lot in common. I think they'd be really good friends. Leonie tries to do everything at once and yes it's stressful but it's a good idea if you can handle it and it's a great way to get things done. Ignatz is from a merchant family but he is the second child in that family so he can't inherit the company so he wants to become a knight. I heard he likes art, Angie likes art too but she's isn't too good but she likes it. Raphel Kirsten is also a merchant and is friends with Ignatz. He likes to eat and train. He eats a bit too much but who am I to judge him plus I don't care he can do what he wants. Marinne is one of the shyest people I've ever met. She is very quiet but I've seen her talk to birds before it seems like she can understand them, Cool! Last but not least, Lysithea perhaps I should say least because this girl is so bossy and judgemental that it makes me feel bad for anyone who is friends with her. I hate her but I keep that to myself so no one thinks I'm a bad person because I'm not...if you don't provoke me but if I'm with my sisters that's a different story.

"Hey Crystal," Lysithea says "Hey," I say back, "Someone told me you called me a brat and bossy," she says "Because you are," I say "That's rude and disrespect," she says "You are the way, think about it you judge people who aren't noble for no reason," I say "I- not mention you yell at people for the smallest things maybe you should respect people more" I cut her off. Lysithea storms off. I have to be in the same house as her... this will be fun.           

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