Love Me Again

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Taehyung ran. Ran as fast as he could. Till his lungs gave out.


Reason was once again, Jungkook.

'I swear to God. If this jerk pulls another stunt on me. I am gonna make sure he remembers my furry for the next 7 lives.'

He muttered while he walked to the hotel room assigned to Jungkook, almost breaking the door down.


"Tae... you came! Thank god! Look, my suit jacket won't fit me...." Cried the big baby!

His big baby. His ex. Well, not anymore, but still the reason for his heartache. And maybe he will always remain that. Taehyung couldn't ponder on these thoughts anymore because the moment Jungkook turned to look at him, he gasped loudly.

"God, Tae! You… you look beautiful!"

Well, Taehyung did look like an angel with his all-white attire and those ash-blonde curls. Although Jungkook was a boxer by profession, just one look at the beauty named Taehyung was enough to punch all the air out of his lungs.

"Don't you dare flatter me now! You! You are supposed to be my best man! You are supposed to help me get ready today, but here I am helping you dress." Tae spat back, but he still rushed to loosen the strap on the jacket's back.

"Hey, it's not my fault you decided to design my suit for your wedding. Now you being the designer, I had to call you..."

(C.w. Nervous eating and drinking mentioned.)

"Hey you, don't put it all on me. It wasn't me who kept eating like a caveman throughout the wedding festivities. Who told you to drink those 50 cans of beer in the past few days? You at least put on 4 pounds in the last week! Why would you even do that?"

"Don't you dare fat shame me now!"

"I am NOT! All I am saying is how would the jacket fit if your measurements change in a matter of just a week? Thank God that I knew about your habit of nervous eating, so I added these little adjustments to it." Taehyung whispered, sighing.

"If you know me so well, then you should also know why I was nervous-eating." Jungkook breathed out,

"It's not too late, bub. Don't marry him. I beg you. He doesn't deserve you."

"Jungkook... not this again... It's my wedding day for God's sake..." Taehyung mumbled tiredly. Still adjusting Jungkook's clothes for him.

"Tea, trust me. He is hiding something..."

"Kookie, you just hate him because it's him I chose. I agree, you did ask me out but because of guilt of the past, nothing else. While he proposed to me purely because he wanted to marry me. The choice was clear. I am telling you this a millionth time." Asserted Taehyung. But Jungkook was having none of it. He pulled Taehyung in his arms and looked into his eyes. His gaze was firm but assuring.

"And, I AM telling you this millionth time that I only hate him because he is a liar. He is fooling you. Also, about my proposal? I asked you out because I am truly, madly and deeply in love with you."

"No Jungkook, you are not. Stop playing with me like this. Please, I beg you." Tae rested his forehead on Jungkook's shoulder while whispering. Jungkook pulled back from the hug and cupped the other's tear-stained cheeks in his palms.

"Why won't you trust me, baby? I know, I was wrong in the past. I broke your heart. I made you suffer. And I'll forever live with that regret but just give me this one chance to make up for it. Please..." He almost begged.

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