Part 1: Flash Foward

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I sat on my back porch, swing, staring off at that green light. " What is it that he saw in her?" I thought to myself. " Gatsby is dead and who is nowhere to be found? Daisy. He did all of this for her, all of it! And when Jay needed her the most, she just disappeared into thin air! Daisy and Tom are carless people, as soon as everything hits the fan they just retreat back into their money, like always!" I felt hot tears start to stream down my face. " tomorrow I will head home, escape, New York, and all its horrible memories and people. I know I will never truly escape the memories of Jay; he will forever haunt me." All these thoughts rushed through my head as I changed positions on the swing, laying down now, I started to drift off. As I did, all I could see was it. Was that beautiful smile, that rare smile, the one giving you eternal reassurance in it.

Notes:  This is told as if it is at the beginning of the story and then going back to the true beginning in a flash forward way.

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