lie to the truth

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"I'll lie to the truth 'Cause you lie to it too"
(♫ Lie to the truth- the young veins♫)

"Chiron," Percy called from the doorway of the big house, "I have a question."

"Yes, Percy." Chiron said, setting down the book he was reading, gesturing for the boy to sit down.

As Percy sat down he said, "The oracle's curse has been lifted. Would that mean May Castellan is cured now?"

Chiron didnt know what to say, as nobody has asked that before. "I'm sorry Percy, but I don't know. This has never happened before," he said after a while.

"Dam okay, thanks I guess," Percy said getting up, "see ya," and he left through the front doors.

Chiron was obviously suspicious but not too surprised, of course Percy would think about May after the curse had been lifted, after all his fatal flaw is loyalty. That's just how he is. He suspected Percy would go see her, turned out he was right. Percy was nowhere to be found the next day.

"Are you sure you'll be safe?" Sally, Percy's mother asked worryingly, "Please bring your sword."

"You know I never go anywhere without Riptide!" Percy joked. "I promise I'll be safe," he said holding out his pinkie finger, which linked with his mother's.

"Tell me how she's doing," she said handing Percy the last of the ambrosia she had stored fo emergencies. She'd have to get more later. "Give her the house number," Sally told Percy, who was already halfway out the doorway.

She hated the idea of her son being in danger. She knows how dangerous being a demigod could be. She experienced the war firsthand, despite not being a demigod. She couldnt blame him this time. She would have done the same, no parent deserves to be left in the dark. Especially not May Castellan.

May deserved to know what happened to her son. He was a hero to everyone, after all he got the gods attention, ended the war, and gave Percy a chance to make them change.

Sally wanted to help her in any way that she could.

Being back in Westport was weird. It's hadn't changed since he was last here, before his dip in the Styx. Only last time he had Nico and Mrs. O'Leary.

"Its now or never," he mumbled, walking up to May Castellan's front door, trying to make himself feel more confident.

He knocked three times on the door and waited just a momemt before the door opened. There stood May Castellan, looking a little surprised.

"Hello... Do I know you?" She asked while looking him up and down, taking note of his torn camp shirt. She looked lost, like her mind was stuck— frozen almost.

She was crying, which didn't suprise him much. She'd been crying last time he visited, but this time was different. Her hair was brushed, her eyes weren't green, and she wasnt spitting green smoke. She looked more present.

"No miss," Percy said politely while shaking his head, "the curse on the oracle has been lifted. I just wanted to check on you."

"I was cursed," she mumbled, "I was cursed, wasn't I?" She asked to no one in particular. After a bit she came out of her thoughts, "come in." She said to the young man, moving aside, ignoring how he looked as he seemed to be okay.

When Percy walked in he was startled by his reflection in every direction. He really did look like he just in the middle of a war. There was clumps of gold monster dust mated into his hair which was sticking up in every direction, blood smeared all over him. His clothes were singed and shredded, barely hanging on. He looked as dead as Nico.

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