Prologue: A cold extermination day

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It was extermination day, and currently every sinner was running for their lives. Angels flew down as they slaughtered sinners left and right with their angelic weapons. one sinner with an arm and horn made out of ice ran away as three exterminators chased him down. He started to feel tired as he kept running away, until he saw what he was looking for.

It was a district, specifically, the Artic District. the sinner quickly ran through the snow-covered streets as other sinners scrambled to their houses. He saw as sinners entered their houses as walls of Ice covered all their doors and windows. He was able to quickly arrive at his house, but before he could enter, he felt a hand grab by the cuff of his jacket as one of the exterminators pushed him to the ground.

The sinner looked up in fear as the exterminators smiled at their vulnerable prey and raised their weapons as they prepared to kill him. The sinner raised his arm to his face and closed his eyes as he awaited his untimely demise........

But it never came.

The sinner opened his eyes and saw the three exterminators incased in a block of ice, with their weapons seemingly about to strike him down. he looked up and saw that at the top was a demon that wore a blue hoodie, his eyes glowing a light blue color as they stare down at him.

???: John, why are you outside during the extermination?

 John: *stuttering* We-ll I wa- well act-

???: Silence.

John froze at the demon's voice as he looked at him with fear. 

???: *notices John's fear of him* You may speak now. 

John: *calms down* Forgive me Cryo, I was just getting some fruits and didn't notice that it was almost time for the extermination, please forgive me. 

Cryo just pinches the bridge of his nose as he muttered some curses in Spanish. Once he was done, he spoke directly to john as he pointed towards the door.

Cryo: Just... stay inside until the extermination is over ok.

John quickly nodded as he ran to the inside of his house. Cryo clutched his fist as walls of ice covered the doors and windows.

Cryo: That should be everyone...*sigh* might Aswell head back home.

He got of the block of ice as he started to walk home. He brushed his hand through his gray hair as he thought about how stressful it is to manage dealing with these fucking heavenly bitches. He leaned his head to the left as he dodged the tip of a spear. He grabbed the handle and threw the exterminator away as he turned around. 

He examined the situation and quickly came to the conclusion that there were about 8 exterminators, 4 that were on the right, 2 on the back, and 2 on the right. the exterminators on the right tried to rush him but he grabs both of them by the neck and threw them at 2 of the ones of the left, knocking the 4 of them out.

Cryo: Look, I have a bowl of Chocolate ice cream waiting for me back home, so if we-

He narrowly dodges a spear from behind him as he backflips a few steps back.

Cryo: *sigh* just to let you know...

Cryo then extends his hand as a spear made out of ice appears in his hands. He points it at the angels as his frown widens slightly.

Cryo: you asked for this.

all the remaining angels rush at him at once while Cryo just looks at them with a frown.  He blocks a spear as he then punches the angel in the face with an ice-covered fist in the face which launches her into a wall, knocking her out.

Cryo: Ustedes perras hacen esta mierda todos los años, dejame descansar por favor.

The one of them tried to strike him from above, but he anticipated this, so he slams his spear onto the ground as pillars of ice strike the angel, effectively taking her out of the fight.

Cryo: think fast...

Cryo throws his ice spear in the middle of the two remaining angels. they both look confused at first, until the spear explodes, and they both end up being frozen in a block of ice. 

Cryo: Fucking finally....

He looks at the ones he knocked out and freezes them in blocks of ice as well, except this time leaving their heads poking out so when he eventually unfreezes them, they can immediately leave his town and go back to the pearly gates.

Cryo breathes in and exhales as he puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a music box. he opens it as it shows a snowflake in the middle, and on the inside of the box was a picture. The picture was of him, well at least, back when he was human, and next to him was a girl that looked almost identical to him, her having the same exact color of eyes and hair he had in the picture. They were at an amusement park, both of them smiling as they posed for the picture. 

Smiling...... He hasnt done such a thing in a long time.

As he looked at the picture, he focused on the girl.

Cryo: Vuela alto.....hermana.

The overlord felt ice cold tears stain his face as he slowly wound up the music box as he began to walk home. He let go of the key as he listened to its calming melody.

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