Episode 1: Overture

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We begin this chapter as Charlie steals my job as Narrator for 2 minutes as she begins telling the story of hells creation.

Now that my job has been given back to me, we see as Charlie looks out the window into the burning streets of hell, just as Vaggie comes into the room.

Vaggie: Charlie?

The key Charlie is holding transforms into her cat, Keekee, as she scurries off somewhere as Charlie turns to her girlfriend in surprise.

Charlie: Aah! Oh, shit. Did you hear all that?

Vaggie: *points to the doorway* Uh, yeah. I was right there.

Charlie: Sorry. I get pre-tty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps...

Vaggie: *chuckles* Don't worry. I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay? *sits down next to Charlie*

Charlie: I'm fine. Just... thinking, ya' know? Family stuff.

Vaggie: Did you hear from your mom?

Charlie shakes her head in dismay as Vaggie looks at her worried.

Vaggie: Oof... how long has it been now?

Charlie: Not that long, only...seven....years, off doing something important, I'm sure! But, this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about.

Vaggie: Well, at least you're not alone.

Charlie: I just hope that what I'm trying to do here will work.

Vaggie: It will. I have faith in you.

Keekee leaps into her owners arm's while Charlie looks down at her pet with a smile. Vaggie stands up from her spot as she turns to Charlie.

Vaggie: Alright, come on. We need to get Daniel since Alastor wants to show us something.

As Vaggie leaves, a loud bell rings throughout the city, and Charlie turns to the Bell Tower at Heaven Embassy. She looks on with sadness, knowing that it's another year before the Extermination comes again. She turns and follows Vaggie towards Cryo's room to get him.


Cryo, meanwhile was in his room fighting an Ice version of himself, both of them holding spears as they clashed. Luckily, his room was big enough for these types of spars to take place, as he was knocked into a wall. The clone tried to strike at his head, but the real one rolled out of the way as he stabbed one of the clone's knees with his spear. The clone got on one knee while Cryo stood up on his feet.

As he was about to stab it straight in the head, he heard a knock that made him stop.

Cryo: *sigh* I guess that's the end of this session.

Cryo dematerialized both the clone and the spears as he takes his music box and puts it in his hoodie's pockets. He walked up to the door and opened it to see both Vaggie and Charlie.

Cryo: Greetings.

Charlie: *Waves at him with a smile* Hey Daniel! we were hoping you could join us at the lobby!

Cryo: *raises his eyebrow* for, what exactly?

Vaggie: Apparently, it's something that Alastor wants all of us to see. Everyone else is currently at the lobby waiting for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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