01. The Lift

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In a dimly lit room, the children ask me to tell them a story I started to tell a fairytale "One upon a time there lived a beautiful girl with long hair".

"No we want to listen a horror story" the boy said 

"yess, yess and a real one please " the girl said with exciting voice , I smile " but you will get scared and cannot sleep than",  I said " we are not children anymore now we are big"

I laughed and started to thinking a horror story than I rememeber. " Okay so you are ready to hear the story. you two know the rule right'. " Yess be quite and ask the question after the story is over" children replied with excitement.  I hope I can tell the story with this excitement.

I started " some time ago there were five girls Sarah, Tina, Mara, Lily and Linda sitting inside  of a bar " guys do you know about this book I have been reading in this there are ten mysterious and haunted places in Washington that no one or few people know about"

" classic Sarah can you like read any normal books " Mara said everyone laughs " no you will not believe what I found in this" "what " Tina asked  " In this book the author said that Glam mall that are close to our homes is haunted" " what no way we are going to that like forever" Linda said , "yeah, but in this book  said some people and mall employs said that mall is haunted very few complaint of some supernatural experience there "

After some arguments we decide to go to that mall. "it is 11:25 in night you guys sure that it is safe " Mara asked , she is always this scared type of girl , " come on nothing is gonna happen plus we are somewhat in our neighborhood " Tina said.

We roam the mall like 5 idiots everything was closed no one feel anything " may be the author was wrong I mean we are here for one hour and nothing happen " Linda said.

"may be we should bought ouija board like high school" Mara said  " man we were stupid "

" and what kind of genius come to a mall at mid night just to check out if it is haunted as the book said " Tina said taunting me 

"Okay what if we spread just go alone for once may be we could find something " Linda said as bravely as always.

after some discussion we all agree . for some reasons I don't know why I  want to go on the roof, as I was going in the lift I started to feel uncomfortable like someone was watching me from behind and something inside of me telling not to look behind I always listen to guts so I straight went to the lift and go the roof , there was nothing unusual the whole roof was calm under the sky , I can see the sparkling city , the Washington look beautiful from here no one can say its midnight.

After few minutes I decided to go down I don't feel anything unusual going down , as we meet at the exit gate as we all decided there one person missing and that was Mara we waited than I called her " the phone is straight goes to the voice mail" I said  " the usual Mara I am pretty sure she went to the home " we all kinds of agree because in the past she did this many times , she went to her home without telling us , " man, I am sure she just went to the home without telling us she done the exactly same when I and Linda were went to shopping with her " Tina said 

" I don't blame her guys I mean its two the morning, come on lets go home " I said  but as exiting the mall I get the bone chilling feeling from my behind that someone was watching  me, I ignore it and straight went to my home  in my bed.

The next morning I get to know that Mara didn't went to her home since yesterday . We filed a police complaint , I personally went to her house , her friends including us, her relative we all tried finding her , we post her on every social media, we tried everything but it looked like she was just vanish. 

After sometime when we gave all our hopes I went to the author of that unfortunate book  that I read, I kind of know that author her name was Janice she was my mother's old friend I went to her told everything to her she listened very carefully after finished she took some time than she only one thing " Is she was pregnant "  I was shocked at this question " I don't know I means she lived with her boyfriend she was thinking of getting married , just that she was very private of her personal life"  , " okay what was she wearing "

" I don't know why you all acting like cop " I said with irritation and frustration in my voice , " just tell me girl " , " a yellow long frock and white overcoat , I think" 

" and what are you and other girls wearing", she asked again  " i dont remember", I replied " okay than what are you wearing  specially is there any red in that costume" She asked with a firm look like she only wanna hear the answer, " I think I had the red top " I replied

With long and deep sigh she said " some mall employs say that there was a woman who was pregnant when she told that news to her husband who was having a affair with her wife friend after knowing this knowledge he ended that affair and decided to  start over with his family but the girl who was in love with him can't tolerate this.  One day she asked the woman to meet her in the mall and she killed her their .  They found the body next day ."
"Is she get caught or something "
I asked , " she didn't get caught , it was labelled as suicide but some employees in the mall believe in this story " she replied,  " okay but this is not written in the book " I replied remembering.
"Actually at first I write this but the owner of the mall ask me to cut this part"  she said , " okay , but only why the last part" I asked my curiosity was at the peek at this moment
" Because the lady who got murdered or suicide was the employee of that mall" she replied with small smile on my enthusiasm.

At returning from her house I realised something the employee uniform of that mall is red and with some thinking I came to another realisation that all four of us who returned from the mall was wearing something red like I was wearing red top, Linda was wearing red jacket, Tina had red jeans, Lily also had a red jacket.

Even today the case is unsolved.". I finished with my story
" Wow the story is mind-blowing"
The boy said, "okay now go to sleep it's very late"
I tuked them under the blanket close the lights and went to my room" wait mom" the girl said from behind "what is it now honey I said it's getting late" I said as approaching her I took her hand and take her to her bed " mom, but your name is Sarah right, is this is your story? Is Mara was your friend? " She ask with a realisation in her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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