Chapter 27: National Hugging Day

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I couldn't believe how well things were going with Leo. Even though he was the first guy I seriously dated, it just felt like I had already met my perfect match. The entirety of January was bliss as we went on dates, hung out, or went to the skate park together. It just felt like a dream when he was taking me out for a special night on National Hugging Day. I was grateful it was a Friday, so we wouldn't have to worry about school the next day. I decided to wear a swishy, light pink skirt with darker pink flowers on it, along with a white top that had a modest cut that criss crossed from the sides to the back. My sleeves were long and flowy, and I paired it with a pair of white flats. I felt like we were celebrating Valentine's Day early as I finished up curling my dark brown hair. I pulled the sides to the back where I secured them with a big, dark pink bow. I wasn't sure if it was a style I would normally wear, but I had found the idea on the Internet, and I wanted to look special for the occasion. I was even trying out new, light pink glittery eyeshadow, which I loved how it shimmered in the light paired with my rosy cheeks. I took a deep breath when I heard Leo at the front door, my parents staying in the living room. They were glad I was dating Leo, but they also didn't want to get in our way. I smiled wider than I expected when I saw him in his black suit and tie.

"Hey," I shyly greeted, just in awe by how attractive he looked. I never could get over how chiseled his jaw was, or how his hair perfectly parted near the middle.

"Hey," he grinned, taking in my whole outfit as I blushed. "You look fucking amazing," he whispered, so that my parents wouldn't overhear him cursing.

"Thanks. You look amazing too." I kissed his cheek before shutting the door behind us and grasping his hand. I swung our arms back and forth as we headed down the walkway, glad that I didn't have to bundle up all the time in the winter here. It was crazy how Leo and I had gotten even closer since December, his hand resting respectfully on my thigh the entire ride to the restaurant. I loved how he would swipe his thumb back and forth, helping me to relax. I felt a little nervous when we pulled up to the place, since it was my first time having sushi. I didn't even realize that Leo had already gotten out, until he opened the passenger door for me. I felt like I would never stop smiling whenever our eyes met. I just felt so encompassed by my feelings for him.

Once we were at our table, which was dimly lit by a large window, he was helping me with the menu. He knew more about how each type of sushi was prepared, and it was comforting that I could get a cooked version. As we waited for our food after ordering, I couldn't help but just gaze at him fondly as he did the same with me.

"I'm already having the best time. It feels like we've only had time to hang out at your house lately. I can't believe how many assignments and tests we've already had this semester," I remarked.

"Yeah, it fucking sucks, but it does make tonight more special."

"Yeah, that's true." I knitted my eyebrows in confusion when I saw him digging around the inside of his suit jacket. At first I thought he might just be searching for a tissue, but then he pulled something out.

"I made something for you. I know they're trending right now with Taylor Swift's tour," he softly chuckled.

"You made something for me?" I could already feel myself becoming emotional from how sweet that gesture was.

"Yeah, hold out your wrist," he softly said, causing me to get chills. He chuckled quietly at how he could see the goosebumps on my skin when I held my arm over the table. He then proceeded in putting something around my wrist, me able to feel the beads already. I instantly brought it closer to my chest, so that I could see it properly. It was a pattern of light pink and then light green beads, and it had round, white circles with black letters on them. It read out, January. "I know we got together in December, and I know it's like we're already exclusive, but I wanted to make it official. Row, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will be. Oh my goodness, Leo, this is so sweet," I gushed, looking at him with tears in my eyes.

He was smiling more than I had ever seen him as he leaned across to kiss me. "I thought you could always remember this with this bracelet."

"I will. I can't tell you how much this means to me. It just means a lot that you even took the time to make this for me," I admitted as my focus went back to the piece of jewelry. It wasn't even expensive, but it felt like he had given me something made of gold.

"I'm really glad you like it. I was afraid you might not," he confessed as he bit his lower lip.

"How could I not? It's just... it's perfect. Thank you again," I managed to tell him, stretching to give him a brief, appreciative kiss. I wore the bracelet throughout our entire dinner, and I realized that I did like sushi after all. Afterwards we just went back to his house, since it was raining. We had thought about walking in the park, but it was already dark out and we would get soaked if we did. His mom was going to be home late that night, so we just spent time up in his bedroom.

"Do you want to watch something," Leo asked as I lied against his pillows. I already felt sleepy from the long hours at school earlier.

"No, I think I would fall asleep," I quietly laughed.

He got on the mattress beside me after taking off his shoes, my flats also lying on the floor somewhere. I looked over at him as I felt myself naturally smiling, him mirroring my expression.

"I love how you can hear the rain in here. It's really soothing," I observed as I glanced over at the window. It made me sad he had the shades drawn, and I think he got the hint, since he went over to open them. All I could see were the water droplets on the pane of glass, since there was barely any light outside. I felt happy when Leo was by my side again, finding comfort in how we could just enjoy silence together. I heard a distant rumble of thunder as I cuddled up to him, wrapping my arms around his middle. I could tell he was starting to breathe a little faster by how his chest rose and fell. I couldn't understand why he seemed so tense all of a sudden, his blue eyes cautiously finding mine.

"What is it," I softly asked.

"Row... I know we haven't known each other that long, but..."

I felt like now I couldn't breathe at all as I held my breath, awaiting his next words.

"I think I love you already. Is that crazy," he wondered, running his hand through his hair as I shook my head.

"No, I think I might love you already too. It's probably crazy, because I'm crazy about you." I attempted to put a play on his words as he laughed slightly. I reached up for his lips, him meeting me with them. It felt like he had put Vaseline on them recently with how soft they were, since they seemed extra smooth. I melted when he cupped my face in his hands, me opening my mouth a little as his tongue slipped inside. I didn't even realize how close we were getting, since it felt so soothing how his hands rubbed all over my back. I took a deep breath when he broke apart to trail his lips down my jaw, sucking along the way. I wasn't sure why I wasn't stopping this when it was dangerous territory. Even though I didn't plan on sleeping with anyone until I was like married, I was enjoying the feelings I was currently experiencing. It felt like a haze as he pulled me closer for a hug, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck.

"Happy National Hugging Day," he whispered in my ear, causing shivers to ripple down my spine.

"Happy National Hugging Day," I reacted in my daze, kissing his cheek.

"Sorry if I got carried away. It just gets harder the more my feelings grow for you," he whispered, his voice sounding so gorgeous.

"It's okay. I've been having the same problem. You're just so good at soothing me while we're making out, that I don't realize how far it's going," I quietly laughed.

"You let me know if you ever want me to stop, alright? I respect you so much, and I would never want to hurt you. You're my best friend too, you know? You're more than just a girlfriend to me."

"I know, you're my best friend too," I responded, us just staying in each other's arms as long as we could.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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