7[then you have some heart]

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Sunday (Australian grand prix race)

Rosa pov

this morning I woke up early, I went for a run, I took a shower and now I'm getting dressed because I have to be at the circuit in 30 minutes because we're racing in two hours.
I have to move otherwise I'll be late and I don't want to hear any complaints.

20 minutes later

10 minutes early, wow I'm surprised at myself.
I enter the paddock.
I head to the garage
"Wow, you're early." Charles teases me
"Funny, what time do we have the parade?"
"In 5 minutes" Tells me
it's time for the parade and all of us drivers get on the float.

Charles approaches me
"So, last night I heard a scream was it you?"
"Me?, no I was sleeping in my nice and comfortable bed"
"And who was?You know it?"
"Mhmh, I don't know, maybe you're impressed"
No, he wasn't impressed
"Yes, maybe you're right."
"Mhmh" He can tell from my tone of voice that I know something and he's noticed, but he's not pushing it so I won't tell him anything.

The parade ends and we enter the garage to get ready and then listen to the anthem and then finally racing.

1 hour later

I get in the car

"The lights out and away we go!"

Let's go.
I don't even have time to start before Lando tries to overtake me
"But this guy is always in the middle, what the fuck" I had the radio on and I didn't know it
"Is everything ok?* They ask from the radio
"Uh sorry guys I thought it was off"

"Lando Norris tries to overtake Rosa, he goes inside the curve to overtake, contact"

"Rosa, is everything ok?"
"I was more or less going to the wall"
"Ok stay focused"

30th lap

"Charles Leclerc is the third to enter the pits to make the pit stop"

"You are sure"
"Yes, come in"
I enter the pit lane and Charles is just coming out of the pit.
"What the fuck are you doing, shit"
I wasted more time.
"Mierda, santa mierda"

42nd lap

"What the fuck, why does Yuki stop in the middle of the track!"
"Engine problems"

"Safety car,Yellow flag"

"Ok Rosa it's a yellow flag, as soon as we start again try to overtake max, you're still second"
"Tell me the gap between me and Lando"
"Now it's 1 second so as soon as the safety gets up, load up as much as you can."
"All right"

"Green flag, back to racing"

I'm going at my best, hoping it's enough
"3 seconds"
"Just a few laps left with concentration"

57th lap

"Ok Rosa last lap"
"Where's Charles?"
"4th position"
Wow he recovered a lot and started 10th
as I was rounding the last corner, I lost the steering wheel and hit the wall.

¡Joder, por qué la última vuelta, por qué siempre yo!". (fuck, why the last lap, why always me!)I scream

"Rosa Richard hits the wall in the last lap!"

"Is everything ok?" They tell me on the radio

I get up from my seat and slam my hands against the car

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