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I saw her in the distance, approaching fast. She appeared to be a mirage, not because of the way the hot air warped her image and made her blurry, but from the gigantic scythe strapped to her back. Really times like these, I thought to myself, that make me wonder if all this is real, or I'm stuck in a coma dreaming this up. I turned away from the sight to get my canteen, but something subconcious forced my head back. Danger, the sense whispered. My arms started to itch, and I took up my spear. It was nothing much, an ancient lightning rod scavenged from some ruins, but it did well in a pinch. I pulled my hat down over my eyes, and ventured outside.

As she approached, and the image came into focus, my doubts were cleared. She stood at 1.64, tall for her age, which judging by the face appeared to be sixteen. Brown, shoulder length hair cascaded down and around her neck, billowing out like the olive cloak behind her. Some loose strands were matted down her nape, glistening in a light sheen. Her face and hands were tan, but as her sleeves hitched up, I could see her smooth, cream skin beneath, that just made her all the more... sultry. A bead of sweat gathered from the droplets on her forehead and trickled down, tracing along her cheekbone, before dripping off her chin and splashing against the top of her boot. I don't know why, but just that made my heart skip a beat.

Her body was slender and lithe, too much even for the scythe on her back, but if she had a custom-made sheath integrated onto her chestpiece, that spoke volumes enough of her proficiency.

Her outfit was light and form fitting, showing off the curves and toned musculature alluding to a capable hunter. She wore little armour, obviously favouring stealth and speed over full frontal assault. A number of throwing knives were slung on her belt, next to her thigh, jingling and chiming like bells every step she took. Surely this was a forest spirit, alluring and deadly, in its truest and surest form.

She sprinted up a small knoll, leaping off it and spinning into a sideways twirl. As she was at her apex, she drew a knife and flicked it behind her, using her rotational velocity to deliver a more lethal shot. The knife, as slight and sly in its construction as she was, sang through the air...

To embed itself into the dark heavy paw of an animal I've never seen before.

Assist, it said. Assist? Why should I risk my life for someone I've never met? Unless she has something to pay me with, I'll keep my nose out her business.

Assist, more urgently this time. Ally. I don't need an ally, I've been doing just fine. And I'm running out of supplies anyway.

Trust. Well, it's never been wrong before. Even if it's always been annoying.

I took a breath, and the world slowed around me. In my mind's eye, I saw what others could not. Everything contains energy, from the smallest grain of sand, to the largest of those beasts, and I could sense every trace of it.

Hounds. Hyper mutated dogs, heat vision, rapid regen, strength that could rival a truck, the works. These things were built for destruction, and they'll perform their role to the death. Dark energy ran through their bodies in place of blood, driving them without respite.

There. Focusing closer on the head, an irregularity. A break in the flow of what would have made an impossible being to destroy. The only problem is, it's stuck behind the thickest skull in the history of thick skulls. I scanned it for alternatives. Go in from behind, inserting through that fat collar of its. The only problem? It means I'd gonna have to come face to face with that thing. Another time, perhaps. When I'm not so ill-equipped.

I whistled shrilly, bringing me back to normal time. She did not slow, nor turn her head, but changed her direction. "In here!" Narrowed eyes was the only response I received. Something dancing in her pupils. Distrustful of humans, solitary, personal loss. Recent personal loss. I love psychoanalysis. But it's not the right time to give her a diagnostic. Not now, anyways.

"You wanna survive? Get in here, NOW!"

As she lowered her head and further accelerated, I dashed back to the door and gripped the handle. 3, 2, 1! I slammed into it with all my might, driving it closed with a thunderous clang as she skidded inside. Just in time, I wondered, as the succeeding force of the hound's impact against the reinforced bunker door knocked me back. I threw the bolt shut and hurried into the inner room, beckoning her along. As the door groaned to a close, I lit the small lamp I had on me and turned to her. "So, what's your story?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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