Chapter I - Alone, again.

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The beginning of this story is mainly actual dialogue from the game, if you'd like to skip, you can. Just warning you that the first main part is about the argument with Black Raisin and Healer Cookie, aswell as the dialogue with light of truth and Pure Vanilla.

[Healer Cookies POV:

Black Raisin: There are still Cookies remaining in the village. Healer Cookie! We must return quickly!

Healer: W-Wait!

Black Raisin: What are you waiting for? We have to go, now!

She grabbed my arm attempting to tug me with her, but I stood my ground.

Healer: The light in my staff...I...I'm afraid its power has been depleted from conjuring up that portal.

I mumbled, I was stuck in a decision I didn't want to make.

Healer: I am not certain that we can make it back up here!

Black Raisin looked at me, a mixture of surprise and disappointment in her eyes.

Black Raisin: But... protecting the village is our top priority! We can think about the return trip later!

I could feel my breathing increase rapidly.

Healer: Can't we just inspect the Vanilla Kingdom, just for a few moments more? There might be other Cookies that need our help! And... Dark Enchantress Cookie is...!

Black raisin stared at me in disbelief, everyone else couldn't do anything but stay in place and watch our disagreement. 

Black Raisin: What has gotten into you? You are Healer Cookie, the sage and healer of OUR village. Our enemy is the Wafflebots, not Dark Enchantress Cookie!

Black Raisins voice riled up in anger, she was obviously in disbelief at my decisions.

Black Raisin:  We've only just learned of this place! This kingdom is not our home. This is not our war!

After she spoke the words.. home.. It felt like something snapped inside me.

Healer: How can you say that? How can you turn your back and just walk away?

I started to shout. Causing her to backup.

Healer: Turning away from those who are suffering is cowardly!

As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I was filled with instant regret. Black Raisin stood in surprise. 

Whatever I just did, was another huge mistake.

Black Raisin looked up at me sadly before speaking again.

Black Raisin: Are you calling me... a coward?

She turned away from me and her voice lowered.

Black Raisin: ... I... I didn't know you thought of me that way.

Healer: Black Raisin Cookie, that's not what I meant-

Black Raisin: No, I get it. This isn't the first time I've felt this way...

She turned back to me, her expression filled with sorrow and hurt.

And all it did was crush me.

Black Raisin: There were moments when you felt.. distant. Just when I thought you were depending on me, I would catch you staring off into the distance...

Black Raisin: Our village's wounded were in good hands, in your good care.

She slightly smiled at me when she said that. It broke me more than I thought it would.. and all I did was stand there in silence.

Black Raisin: It felt as if you belonged there...

Black Raisin: But perhaps I was asking for too much.

Healer: No, wait! Wait... I will go with you! We can find a way, together.

I screamed, as if I was pleading for forgiveness that I didn't deserve.

Black Raisin held a hand up to me, sorrow filling her face.

Black Raisin: No. Please don't pour salt into my crumbs...

Those were the last words she said to me, as she turned away and ran off.

I quickly began running after her.

Healer: Black Raisin Cookie! Don't go! Wait for me!

I don't know what I'm doing.. I've already ruined everything.

Why on earthbread am I still trying?...

I was so trapped in my thoughts I couldn't hear Gingerbraves warning.

Then I awoke in the emptiness of my mind.

. . . . . .

I finally realized where I was. And it hit harder to know why.

Pure Vanilla: Ah, I see. I have failed... again. I disappointed my friends. I also could not protect the Cookies of my kingdom..

The light of truths stood above, looking down at me.

Truth: Pure Vanilla Cookie. Are you finally confronting the consequences of your actions?

I lifted my head to look up at them. Weakly smiling and laughing.

Pure Vanilla: Yes... I really am quite pathetic, aren't I? I'm.. I'm so useless!

My fake grin faded with those words. 

All I was.. was useless.

Utterly useless.


Your useless, Pure Vanilla Cookie.

And never forget it.

The voices in my head.. maybe they were right.

Maybe I was just useless after all.

Pure Vanilla: With or without my memories, it does not matter! I wasn't able to make a difference then, and I couldn't make a difference now!

The light of truth sighed before grabbing my face to look at them.

Truth: The time for solace and regret has just begun. You must return to the Vanilla Castle and gaze upon your past, once and for all.

Their gaze locked into mine. But the sharp pain in my heart forced me to look away.

Pure Vanilla: But... I cannot. I do not... have the heart to endure such agony any longer.

They let go of my face and looked at my dull expression, my eyes glued to the ground.

I was starting to question how much longer I could go on.

HURRAYYYY! I finally finished chapter one of this story! I hope you all enjoyed it! I can't wait to start writing the next chapter, but for now, this is all I've got for now! Thank you for reading and have a great day/night!

- IcyDixie

[Word count: 893]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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