Chapter Thirty One: Resolve

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Empty Warehouse

  Ryo stood underneath the roof of the building as rain poured down. He stared blankly at the drops of rain pouring from the sky above. He knew what he had to do, he knew killing off Aimi would send Rośe into a pattern of self-doubt, then to acceptance, and finally to take action. In his mind, Ryo assumed Rośe would be at the bridge between self-doubt and acceptance.

  "Ryo..." A feminine voice alerted him as she turned around, hands in his pocket. It was one of the assassins that he brought with him, specifically the one that was being sent to watch the higher ups of X-Factor. "What is it, Yui?" Ryo asked the woman as she shut the warehouse door behind her. "... Are you certain about the choice you made?" Yui asked, referring to killing Aimi. Sure, killing people you don't even know is fine, but this is where she draws the line? Well, it wasn't exactly about having to kill, but having to take a risk. Back then, there really was no risk in assassinating people when given assignments from the higher ups, but this, this was a risk. Ryo wanted to kill Aimi to push Rośe into a spiral maze with the chance of it collapsing. "I know Rośe, I understand how her mind works." Ryo responded, giving a very confident answer, "I studied the psychology of humans and compared it to them." Ryo continued, he referred to comparing his studies to the people he once knew as friends. Yui had an unsure look on her face, her gaze had the very expression of "Are you crazy?" Well, crazy is quite the understatement to everything that's happening right now.

  "If that is all you have to say, I have one more assignment for you this week." Ryo said, giving their current topic a rest. Yui had braced herself for the assignment, she gritted her teeth behind a closed mouth as she awaited to hear what her group leader had for her.

"I want you to go find, and capture the White Vampire."

Ryo said with a head slightly raised and eyes staring down at the other assassin.


U-Yung Household

  Sia was curled up in her bed, a blanket wrapped around her body, completely covering her. She was still feeling emotions of fear and shock after what had happened yesterday. The sound of rain pouring heavily, smacking against her window and bouncing off the roof were one of things she heard. The second was the sound of her own mind, she was completely on set of the events that occurred. >It's okay... you'll be okay... you have big bro with you...< Sia did her best to convince her own mind and emotions to think positively. She continued this within her head, doing her best to convince herself and repeating to the point of falling asleep.


  Jay was working through the low amount of photos he has. Ever since his father had become more cautious of his actions, Jay has been losing evidence to give to the detective of Gale Agency. It was frustrating to capture evidence but he had to work with what he had. After all, this was all to get his father the punishment that he deserved, and he is unable to do so if he doesn't have one: the evidence, two: the right people, and three: the money. He needed it if he was going to go to court against his father and prove his actions.

  Jay leaned back into his chair letting out an exhausted groan. >Why does he have to be so difficult?< Jay yelled within his head as slowly breathed out, leaning forward back into his desk. "Ugghh..." Jay groaned as he sorted the last of the small photos and evidence he had, putting them into a neat pile and in a folder.

  Spinning in his chair, Jay got up and down into his bed. He opened his phone, checked the time and found it to be 6:32pm "So early..." Jay muttered with his cheek pressing against the soft mattress of his bed. He flopped onto his back, staring at his ceiling, thinking about what Rośe was doing right now; was she still grieving Aimi's death? Or was she off doing something to distract herself. Turning himself back onto his side, and now properly laying on the bed, he looked through his phone to find her contact.

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