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[Bruce Wayne goes to his secret hideout. As he walks in, we hear a voice coming from the television.]

TV: Police and emergency services are urging Gotham residents to stay off the roads and in their homes tonight in light of the severe winter storm warning.

Vicky Vale: No man is an island, Bruce. You've been back for almost two years now... You can't expect me to believe that Gotham's most eligible bachelor is spending another Christmas alone.

Bruce Wayne: just ran out of time.

Commissioner Loeb: ... knowing that tonight, we put to rest one of Gotham's most heinous and relentless killers - Julian Gregory Day.

Reporter: Commissioner Loeb! Commissioner Loeb - any comment on the rumor that it wasn't actually the cops who captured Mr.Day?

Gordon: There is no such thing as a 'Bat boy.'

Reporter: Captain Gordon, Captain Gordon!

Gordon: No further questions. No further QUESTIONS.

Police Dispatcher: (Over the radio)All units, All units, code ten at Blackgate prison. Communication is down. Possible 2-11.

Police Officer: (over the radio) Delta 6-4, in route.

Police Officer: (over the radio) Suspect identified as Black Mask. Repeat: code 10, Suspect is black mask. All units at Blackgate. Code 6. Code 6. Commissioner Loeb being held captive. Repeat. Commissioner Loeb is 701.

[ Hearing this, Bruce gears up.]

Alfred: You do realize it is Christmas Eve, sir?

[Without answering Batman flies Away.]

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