Me and My Broken Heart

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With M3gan and bill

Megan: it's this way

Megan and Bill were still in the vents but they there were avoiding traps that were set up by Miss delight

Bill: let's drop down

Megan: of course

They drop down from the vents but there was a cage door in away

Bill: all right there has to be electrical current around here

Suddenly mrs delight, speaks on the loudspeaker

Mrs delight(loudspeaker): OK I gave you guys a chance to give up and leave but you're just making this very hard for yourselves. You guys are not leaving and you're being stubborn on purpose and I am going to get you.

Mrs delight got off the loudspeaker

Megan: we don't have time we have to do something about Mrs. delight

Bill: all of this is my fault i'll handle Miss delight you need to get fix-it fox SPARKLE SPANIEL and meet up with Leo if you find him

Megan: no even though my job is to protect Leo I'm not leaving you. I have to stay here and help you fight this. She is a toy. I am a machine I can take her down easily.

Bill: there are some problems that you can't fix responsible for this massacre not gonna let anyone suffer because of this

Megan: but Bill Leo needs you

Megan: I know that I need you to do as I say for once

Bill took a deep breath

Bill: I am responsible for the smiling critters. I am responsible for catnap and the prototype project. I'm going to do what I should've done along time ago I have to clean up my mess. It's time that I took responsibility for my actions. I can't let people clean up my actions for me. You have to take those two and get out of here. I'll get Mrs. delight. if I don't make it, tell Leo that I love him I wasn't there for my other son, but I'll cross pass with him in the afterlife

Megan: I understand

Megan leaves to get out of the school as Bill pulls out a gun It took Bill a few minutes to find the electric control panel. He uses green grab pan to stretch it out and it was filled with green energy and he used the green energy to open the door and move on.

Bill: all right, let's go

Bill was passing a bunch of rooms and eventually he found a generator he had to carry two batteries with the grab pack he had to connect the two batteries on every side of the room and connect the wires to activate the generator but Mrs. delight came in and then destroys the generator, but bill immediately pulls out the gun while the lights were flickering

Mrs. delight: silly human a gun is not gonna do anything you are outmatch between me and Barb

Bill: Mrs. delight come near me and I'll shoot you

Mrs. delight: what are you waiting for shoot me i've been starving down here. I've been craving for food. I've eaten my sisters to survive. I didn't have a choice catnap left me down here. I was starving. I lost my sanity. You do not know how it feels to lose your mind because of catnap I lost my sisters. I miss them every day, and I am going to eat you. You are responsible for cat naps terrible nightmare. This horrible nightmare was always been about the prototype catnap calls God. he even corrupted his own friends and the smiling critters who were trying to replace him. This is all your fault. You should've never made him in the first place.

Bill: you're right making catnap was all my idea I was trying to do my job to make the other kids happy but it ended the opposite. They all got nightmares, but Douglas finish what I started he experimented on a kid who was dying. This was half of my fault.

Smiling critters(catnaps revenge)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora