Everett Cyrpus - May 31st, 5:00 AM

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Humming one of the only songs I can remember from before I got stolen away for this place, I close my journal shut. Then, I head off to the bathroom to brush my teeth and whatnot.
After I’ve finished getting ready, I grab the journal from the desk in my room and throw it into my bag. My guard uniform is on and my stomach is full. Time to knock out another painful day.
When I get to the lab, I make my way to the guard’s prep room and set my bag down on a metal table. I’m surrounded by other guards also getting ready for their shift. The bright light in the room makes my eyes ache, one of them is flickering. It shouldn’t be a problem for too long, Ms. Hunt is all about keeping this place in mint condition.
I take my journal out of my bag and open it, running my eyes down the list of writing, my schedule for June. I smile, proud of myself for getting it done last night instead of letting the task hang over my head last minute. I flip back one page and check my job for today. May 31st, Floor 2, Room J
As I take that into account, I feel weird. Is someone… watching me? I turn around and see a girl staring straight at me. Her eyes quickly dart toward the wall. I know her. She’s the one who lost that experiment the other day. What makes me so interesting?
I shrug it off and close the journal, shoving it back into my bag. I quickly pull out my tablet, mark that I’m here today, and place that back into the bag with the journal.
Instead of taking the elevator today, I decide to take the stairs since my assigned room is so close to the base floor. When I get up there, I exhale a breath of relief, bad habit of holding my breath walking upstairs. Then, I get to my assigned unit and pull out my card, awaiting the signal. After a moment or two, a loud beep sounds throughout the lab and I scan it, causing the door to open and reveal two experiments standing there as usual. But as I grab the first pair of handcuffs to escort them to their scientist, I hear someone call my name.

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