Ross the Lost Engine

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Narrator: Every Halloween, Huckle Cat and his friends dress up as wizards and witches and have a bonfire. And they even listen to one of their friends' ghost stories. But this year, their bonfire party was canceled. As the wind howled and raged across Hot Dog Hills, the Sensational Six, who were having a Halloween sleepover, found it hard to sleep. 

Huckle Cat: Listen to the wind!

Hilda Hippo: Sounds like howling werewolves! We'll never get to sleep!

Narrator: She was right. The wind howled all night and kept awake. They tried hard to fall asleep, but every time they started to drift off, the wind howled and they woke up again. 

Freddie Fox: This is hopeless! We'll never get to sleep!

Ole Owl: I have an idea!

Huckle Cat, Sally Cat & Friends: What is it?

Mickey Mouse: I can tell one of the stories I heard when I was younger! That should take our minds off the wind. Maybe we'll drift off to sleep afterwards. 

Huckle Cat, Sally Cat & Friends: Tell us please!

Narrator: And so, Ole began.

Narrating Ole Owl: Once upon a time, there was a railroad located in the beautiful Gaulham Island. And this railway had three little engines who lived in their own little shed on their own little railway. Their names were Ross, Jenny and Sheffield. Ross was black, Sheffield red, and Jenny yellow. Of the three of them, Ross was the oldest. He had been the first engine on the line and named after Sir Ross Windsor. He was very proud of this and wanted everything 'just so'.

(Jenny and Sheffield puffing away with there trains)

(Jenny and Sheffield shunting)

Narrating Ole: Whenever the others did anything that Ross didn't like...

Sheffield's Driver: SHEFFIELD!

Jenny's Driver: JENNY!

Drivers: LOOK OUT!

(Sheffield and Jenny smash trucks into each other)

Drivers: DOH!

Sheffield: (Sighs) That didn't go too smoothly.

Jenny: (Sighs) No joke Sheffield.

Narrating Ole Owl: He would say...

Ross: That would never suit Sir Ross.

Narrating Ole Owl: Many other engines came and went, but Ross outlasted them all. Jenny and Sheffield used to call Ross 'OlePuff'. He was fond of them and tried to keep them in order. They were fond of him, too for he was like grandfather figure and role model to them, and he was so wise and kindhearted. However, they did get tired of hearing all about his excellency. Sometimes they would wink at each other and chant solemnly.

(Jenny and Sheffield resting at Settle Works Sheds and see Sir John coming up with some trucks. They wink at each other playfully)

Sheffield: Engines come.

Jenny: And engines go.

Sheffield/Jenny: But OlePuff goes on forever. Heheheheheh.

Narrating Ole Owl: This sometimes annoyed Ross from time to time.

Ross: (Indignant) You impertinent Scallywags! Whatever are young engines like you two coming to nowadays?!

Sheffield: Heheh! Never mind OlePuff.

Jenny: We're only young once.

Ross: Well do you want to end up like No. 17?

Sheffield/Jenny: (shocked) Oh OlePuff. Who's No. 17?

Ross: No. 17 was German and very vain. He rode roughly and often derailed because of it. I warned him to be careful, but he took no notice.

No. 17: (Drawling) Listen Bud! In Germany we don't care a coin for a few spills!

Ross: We do here youngin!

Narrating Ross: But No. 17 just laughed. He didn't laugh one day when manager took away his wheels and told her he was going to make her useful at last.

(End flash back)

Sheffield/Jenny: (Nervous) Why, what did manager do?

Ross: He turned him into a pumping engine, that's what. He's still there behind our sheds. He'll never move under her own steam ever again. Now, you two wouldn't want to join her back there, would you?

Sheffield/Jenny: (Frightened) Uh, no! Certainly not OlePuff!

Ross: Well then, that's settled. All's well that ends well.

Narrating Ole Owl: After that, Jenny and Sheffield were unusually good for several days. They both became useful engines and all three were happy together for many years to come. (Work montage)

Narrating Ole Owl: But then hard times came. The mines in the hills closed one by one and the engines had little to do. At last their railway line was closed too, and people came to buy the engines.

People: Well take Jenny and Sheffield.

Narrating Ole Owl: But no one wanted Ross, for they thought him too old.

Jenny: (Fighting tears whilst trying to be optimistic) Cheer up OlePuff! We'll find a nice railway and then you can come and keep us in order...

Sheffield: Can't you tag along with us?

Ross: (Sighs) I wish I could young Sheffield. I really wish I could. Stay strong and be safe. You'd better get going. Don't want the new owner to throw a fit, now do you?

Narrating Ole Owl: They all laughed bravely, but sadly, not one of them thought that their dreams would ever come true. Ross's driver and fireman sadly oiled and greased him one last time. They sheeted him snuggly and said goodbye. Then, faces filled with tears, they had go away and find work elsewhere. Ross was alone locked up in his shed.

Ross: Where's Sir Ross? It's not like him to forget me.

Narrating Ole Owl: But Sir Ross was killed in World War II, and a new Ross, who was only a boy, hadn't heard of his little engine. 

Ross: (Sad sigh) Oh well I'll go to sleep. It'll help to pass the time.

Narrating Ole Owl: Years passed. Winter torrents washed soil from the hills. Winter torrents washed soil from the hills over the shed. Trees and bushes grew all around. You wouldn't have known a shed was even there, let alone a little, lonely, lost engine asleep inside it.

(Flashback ending)

Ole Owl: Well guys, did you like that story?

Lily Bunny: (Whimpers like sad puppy) Oh my... the poor old engine. 

(Starts to cry.)

Narrator: Sally Cat couldn't speak. She had grabbed a handkerchief and began bawling in tears.

Huckle Cat: That's not a happy ending, let alone mysterious! 

Ole Owl: WAIT! There's more!

Huckle Cat: More?

Ole Owl: Haven't you guessed about Jenny and Sheffield?

Huckle Cat & Friends: No. 

Narrating Ole Owl: Jenny and Sheffield came to the Fat Controller's railway. The Fat Controller gave them both new coats of paint and new names. Jenny became Dame Anne, and Sheffield became Christopher. They never forgot their OlePuff. That explains Christopher and Dame Anne's excitement when they heard Ross was coming to Thomas's 100th birthday. But they were disappointed to find out that the Ross that did come was only a man.

Huckle Cat: Meh, I guess that ending was ok.

Narrator: That's all there is. There isn't anymore of this story. We shall say no more or we shall spoil the next story.

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