Tazog chief of the Bloody eye

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In the middle of a chaotic camp of tents, wooden and stone buildings that turned into a town of sorts called Gerrenkzerong surrounded by a palisade of logs and branches of varied sizes stood a large tent made of mix of virtually every material you could think of, including bones. Inside this tent sat an old orc upon a throne of bone and deer hides. Albino clawed hands rested on elf skulls at the end of the fur skinned arm rests. The elderly chief of 33 years (66 in human years) slumped comfortably while his favorite concubines rubbed his bare age spotted white skin with fish oil. His legs, arms and chest were being lathered early in the day, which for an orc started around 3 PM.

Tazog closed his one good eye and pondered his inevitable future when a younger stronger orc would finally succeed in taking over the tribe. They have tried for some years now but have all failed. Tazog had power that none of his challengers had and that was the power of Gruumsh. Tazog only had one eye because he plucked out his left eye in servitude to Gruumsh the one-eyed. Not only was Tazog a shaman but he dabbled in witchcraft as well. He thought it funny that a skinny cursed orc of white skin, hair and eyes that was exiled returned one day to become chief.

His thoughts were interrupted by orc yelling from outside, which Tazog thought was a little too early in the day for orcs scrapping with one another. One of his guards entered and said, 'We are being attacked! There is fire!' Tazog took a deep breath, stood up and motioned for his girls to dress him. This would take 2 or 3 minutes to complete. Tazog was not worried because he had spells granted by Gruumsh to protect him.

As the chief stepped outside his tent with his guards at his side, he saw that the whole town was surrounded by fire. The smell and color of the fire was not quite natural. 'This must be magic', he thought. Many orcs near the walls of the town were burning and others were looking into the sky, and some were shooting arrows upwards. Tazog looked up and saw two figures 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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