The party

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"Do you like your hair like this ma'am?" Squeaked Lily; a house elf that was smaller than the average one, and most would think is useless.

I glance up into the mirror, it was braided onto the sides into a bun. And it was fancy but not too much, "Yes Lily it looks lovely, thank you." I smile. Lily looked at me as if I had just given her 1 million galleons, I'm guessing her previous owner was not as generous with their praise.

Lily jumped down to the ground, "The party has started I'm sure your parents would like you to be there to meet the guests." I nod at her as I walk over to my large mirror, my dress is white and slightly tight my favorite part was jewels lining the top and my sleeves that hung on the side and covered parts of my arm.

"This party is so useless." I frown slightly in the mirror.

"B-But it is very important! Ma'am!" The elf stuttered out, "This party is to help people here know your family and it can help you make friends as well." She looked proud about her explanation.

"Mmm, I guess." I huff, "We were doing perfectly fine in France, but if we never moved here then I guess I never would have got to have you as my house elf!" I smile as I bend down to her level. She perks up, "That's very nice of you to say, I'm glad you value me."

"Who wouldn't! You're the best one there is." I stand up and brush off my dress, "I must get going as you said they would want me to meet the guests."


My heels click loudly in the long empty hallway the only thing filling it is pictures of past generations. I still haven't gotten used to my new house and the very different accents they have here compared to my French one.

I slowly hear the sound of chatter and music. Opening the doors into a new hallway, I finally approach the spiral stairs and see lots of people already talking and dancing.

"There she is!" a woman says, I turn and see my mother she's drinking already, great. I awkwardly smile at her as she glides over gracefully. "We've been waiting for you dear." Her French accent is worse than mine, I'm surprised she even bothered to learn English.

"You look great mother," I say as I look around the room.

"I know, right!" She spoke in French this time, "Well I would introduce you to people but I was going to play some fun drinking games so." She winks, "I'm sure you can make some friends!" She then walked away and started to talk to some other people and reverted to speaking English.

"Wow ok," I muttered to myself in French. Part of me wanted to waltz up back to my room and forget about the party but I knew I would never hear the end of it if I did, so I took it upon myself to just get some fresh air, and by fresh air I mean just sit on the balcony for the whole party.

Some people stopped to say hi and introduce themselves but I wasn't listening I heard a Nott name in there I think. Opening the balcony doors was refreshing the cool air kissing my cheeks and blowing back strands of hair from my face.

The bliss of fresh air was quickly gone as I realized someone was already out there. It was a boy he was leaning on the edge looking to the moon his hair was short and the blonde looked perfect with the black suit he had on. Before I could analyze any longer he slowly looked at me, "What are you doing out here?" He spat at me.

I walk over to the ledge and glare at him, "I happen to own the balcony I should be asking you that."

His mouth twitched up slightly and he chuckled lightly, "You own just the balcony or?" He looked down at my dress and back at the moon.

"You know what I mean!" I say huffing and crossing my arms, "What's the point of coming to my family's party if you spend all the time here?"

He doesn't look at me, "Party's are boring, and I'm also getting harassed and followed the whole time by a frankly mental girl so I'd rather hide out here." He shrugged.

"Oh! That sound not fun." I muttered,

  He rolled his eyes and glanced at me, "Just next time you have a party Delacroix don't invite the Parkinson's."

"So you go Hogwarts?" I questioned looking over at him while fiddling with my lace gloves.

He looked at me confused for a second, "Oh yeah you are a Frenchy." He spat, "Yes I go TO Hogwarts." I look away frowning slightly, "Sorry English is not my native language."

"It's not a big deal, I'm sure the people at Hogwarts will find you entertaining. Hopefully, you get into Slytherin."

"The Slytherin? What is that?" I say throughly confused.

"Bit draft aren't you." He sighed softly, I just looked at him because I didn't know what that meant. "You don't know what draft means do you?" I shake my head no with a slightly confused face.

"Wow okay, well Slytherin is one of the four houses you can be sorted into at Hogwarts; I'm in Slytherin. But in the very likely chance you don't get into that house." He paused and seemed hesitant, "You can sit with me for meals if it would be easier for you." He looked back up the moon his face not showing any emotion, "I'm sure my mother would have made me offer you this anyway." He pressed his lips tightly together.

"This is very nice of you," I paused realizing I didn't know his name.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He whispered

I smile, "Well the Draco this is very nice of you! I hope that I get into this Slytherin house you speak of."

A chuckle comes out of him, "With the way you're thanking me I think it's very unlikely."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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