The Secret Wax Museum

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Dipper was watching an episode of Duck-Tective when Soos rushed into the hallway. 

"Hey, dude, you'll never guess what I found!"

"Buried treasure!" Dipper yelled.

Soos led Dipper to a door that looked to be right in the middle of the wall of the hallway. 

"So, I was cleaning up," Soos explained, "when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy bonkers creepy!" He opened the door to reveal a room with many wax figures. Dipper shone a flashlight around, admiring how lifelike the statues were. Eventually, his light landed on what seemed to be a real person. 

"Hello!" exclaimed the figure.

Dipper and Soos yelled in surprise.

The figure chuckled. It was just Stan. "It's just me, Stan!" he said.

Somehow, that was even scarier. Dipper and Soos ran away screaming, but not for long. They returned shortly after and allowed Stan to give them a tour of the room.

"Behold the Gravity Falls Wax Museum!" he said. "It was one of our most popular attractions...before I forgot all about it. I got 'em all! Genghis Khan, Sherlock Holmes..." He looked at another wax sculpture confusedly. "Some kind of, I don't know, goblin-man?"

For some reason, Dipper felt a bit creeped out. Perhaps it was how real all the wax figures seemed, and the fact that they were abandoned in a random room in the Shack.

Stan continued with his tour. "And now for my personal favorite: Wax Abraham Lincoln, right over--oh!" He looked and saw that Wax Abraham Lincoln, who was standing directly in front of a high window, had been reduced to a puddle of melted wax. "Oh, no!" Stan said. "Come on, who left the blinds open? Wax John Wilkes Booth, I'm looking in your direction!" 

He dipped his finger in some of Wax Lincoln's remains and pondered. "How do you fix a wax figure?"

Dipper and Soos shrugged. They hadn't a clue.

"Well, I guess that's it for the tour," Stan said. "Don't see much of a point in reopening this exhibit. Seems a bit out of style, you know?"

"Works for me," said Dipper. "This place was giving me the creeps."

They left the room and removed the doorknob that Soos had just put into the door, leaving the room completely abandoned once more. 

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